Chapter 2. Home Sweet Tulsa

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We arrive in Tulsa. I'm eagerly looking out of the window. I see things that haven't changed. I see Buck's place. Growing up I was too young to go in there but I'm 16 now so I'm good. We pull up to the Curtis house. It hasn't changed a bit except the fence is now tilting. I get out and smile at the house. I see Tim struggling with my bags so I go and help him. We knock on the door and wait for an answer. Darry opened the door smiling. I smiled back and I hugged him. I missed him. He lets us in and grabbed my bags.

"Wow Trudy ! You look amazing ! It's been so long since you've been here. How are you ?", he asked me. "I've been ok. My daddy's been beating on me but I'm here now so hopefully no more of that.", I say with a nervous laugh. I don't know why I got nervous all of a sudden. "Again Dar, thanks for letting her stay.", Tim says placing down my other bag. "No problem. She can stay here forever if she likes.", Darry said smiling at me.

"I better get going. Swing by later Trudy.", Tim says. "Ok bye Timmy !", I say using his childhood nickname I use to call him. "Ugh not that name again."

I laughed as Tim left the house. I was so glad to be back here. Darry has gotten buffer than before. What does this guy eat ? He starts to cook food. I decided to help him. I cook some eggs while he bakes a chocolate cake. I love chocolate cake. My love for it started here at this very house. When we finished cooking Darry called for Ponyboy. He walked out. He looked about 14 now. He had grown some muscles too. He stilled looked adorable. He looked confused when he saw me.

"Hey Pony !", I say. "Hi ? Do I know you ?", he said squinting his eyes. "You don't remember her Pony ?", Darry said laughing. "No, I don't.", Pony says rubbing his eyes again. "It's me. Trudy !", I say smiling. "Trudy !? Oh my gosh ! Is it really you ?", Pony says as his eyes widened. "In the flesh little buddy !", I say. "Go and get Soda so he can eat breakfast before work.", Darry tells him. Pony nods and begins to walk off before turning around. "Gosh Trudy ! You're so pretty ! I missed you !", he said hugging me.

"I missed you too Pony.", I say squeezing him tighter.

He ran back into the room to wake up Soda. I forgot they share a room. I got me a plate with eggs, bacon, and toast. I sit down to eat. After about 3 minuets, in walked a sleepy Soda. He rubbed his eyes and then looked at me. His eyes got wider. He smiled and ran over to me. "Trudy !?"

"Hey Soda !", I say with the biggest smile on my face. "Oh my gosh Trudy !! What are you doing here ?", he said picking me up and spinning me around. "It's good to see you too ! And I live with you guys now.", I say. "You serious ?", Pony asked Darry with a smile. "Yea. She's having trouble with her dad and she needed some place to stay so she's with us now."

"Forever hopefully.", I say with a side smile as Soda put me down. "My best friend is living with me now....wait till Steve sees you !", Soda says with a smirk. "Where is that Steve Randle ?", I ask. "Oh he'll be here. Trust me.", Pony says with a smile.

We ate breakfast and talked. I told them about my life in New York and me and dad. Soda told me he had a girlfriend named Sandy and how long they've been together. Pony is a straight A student and runs track like I do. I told him we'll have to race each other one day. After we finished breakfast, a kid wearing a jean jacket came in. He had a scar on his face and he looked rather shy. That was little ole Johnnycakes. I could tell. I just wonder how he got that scar. "Hey everybody."

"Hey Johnny !", Pony said eating his eggs. "Johnny you remember Trudy ?", Soda asks him. "You mean your best friend from years ago ?", he said. "That's the one.", Darry clarifies. "She lives with us now !", Pony says with a smile. "Hey Johnnycakes !", I say. "Wow ! Hi Trudy !"

We talked again. I asked Johnny about his scar and they told me the Socs did it to him. Say that a while back they caught a hold to him and beat him up pretty bad and that he ain't been the same since. If he wasn't quiet before he sure is now. The kid didn't speak a lot. I love Johnny though, I always have. Next thing you know two more guys came in. They were really loud.

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