Chapter 7: Whatever

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"Trudy.....Trudy.....Trudy !"

I shoot up out of my sleep. "Finally, now get up. We're gonna be late for work.", Soda said. "Ughhhhh !", I say. I'm not a mornings person. "Stop groaning and get dressed.", Soda said as he yanked the covers off me. "Fine ! Fine. Just chill.", I say as I sit up.

I stand up and go pull out my work clothes from the dresser. I lay them out on the bed and walk out the room. The smell of eggs and bacon filled my nostrils. "You hungry ?", Darry asked me. "Yes sir.", I say. "Well, here's your plate.", he tells me. I sit down and I eat my food in peace.

I burped really loud. "Excuse you.", Darry laughed. "Sorry Dar.", I say as I walk out the kitchen and into the bathroom. I was really tired. I had to wash my face so I could really wake up. I had on a white tank top and some boy boxers. They were a pair of Sodas. I take a shower and get out and brush my teeth.

I wrap a towel around my body and stare at myself in the mirror. I never thought I was beautiful. I never hung out with girls much. It's not that I'm insecure because I'm not. I just never gave it much thought that I was a good looking girl. But Ace, he made me feel beautiful. Especially, when we would go out on dates or midnight rides around the town.

He loved when I wore red.

There was a knock on the bathroom door. "Hurry up, Trudy ! We're gonna be late !", Soda yelled. "Alright ! I'm coming !", I yell back. I quickly get dressed and then put my hair into a ponytail. I walk out, say goodbye to Pony and Darry, and me and Soda walk to work together.

"So Darry told me you were gonna finish school here.", Soda said. "As much as I don't wanna, I'm going to.", I say as I rub my neck. "It's just one more year.", Soda tells me. "It's not that, Soda. I'm a troubled girl. I'm not taking anyone's bull crap so if I get in a fight I don't wanna hear Darrel's mouth.", I tell him as I cross my arms.

He starts to chuckle. "What's so funny ?", I ask him. "Nothing. I just remembered how when we were younger, you were so girly. Your little pigtails and your cute flower dresses.", he said as he wrapped his arm around me. "Shut up.", I say as I blush. It was true. I use to be girly but I grew out of that.

"So, any guys catch your eye since you've been back ?", Soda asked. "Not really. Well...maybe one guy.", I say as I blush. "Wanna tell me who it is ?", he asked me. I was talking about Ricky but my mind started to think about Dallas. He was all out amazing. I don't know, but he's giving me a feeling that Ace gave me except it's a good feeling.

"Trudy ?", Soda said. "Huh ? Oh, yea, well his name is Ricky.", I say. "You mean from Bucks ?", Soda asked. I nodded my head. "Aw man, I thought you were gonna say Dallas."

"Soda, come on. I'm not stupid. Dallas is bad for me.", I say as I roll my eyes. "Why you say that ?", Soda asked. "It's a long story, I'll tell you tonight.", I tell him. We made it to the DX. "Must've been hard trying to get Trudy out of the bed.", Steve laughed as he walked out to meet us.

"Nah, she just took too long in the shower.", Soda said as he gave Steve a fist bump. "Well sorry, I'm not a guy. I don't wanna be smelly.", I say. "Alright, lets get to work.", Soda said. Him and Steve went out back to work on cars and of course I went to the front to work at the counter.

I got a good pile of magazines and started reading. I heard the door of the store open but I didn't look up from my magazine. Elvis was more important. Soon, someone rang bell on the counter. "Hey beautiful.", someone with a familiar voice said. I look up and smile once I see Ricky.

"What are you doing here ?", I ask him. "Seeing you, of course.", he says as he places his items on the counter. I smirk and start ringing him up. "Can I take you out ?", Ricky suddenly asked. It shocked me. "M-Me ?", I ask him. "I mean, you are the only girl in here that has my attention.", he said. "Gosh, I don't know, Rick.", I say as I blush and place his things in a brown bag.

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