Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Annie POV



Jacob wheeled me down the hall way and into an elavator. Once we were in he pressed the ground floor button.

Was he trying to break me out? Was that nurse helping him too?

I looked up at Jacob as the elevator descended, he smiled back down at me. The doors opened and then he wheeled me out, the warmth hit me by surprise. I was still only wearing a hospital gown and underwear. I hope it wasn't too noticeable that that was all I was wearing.

Jacob took me outside, and that's when I was most sure he was making an escape. But then he stopped by a path that led into a garden. He wheeled me down the path, and on either side of me were roses. He stopped and picked a white one and a red one and handed them to me. I smelt them then laid them on my lap.

Jacob grabbed the blanket that was on my lap and opened it up on the green grass next to the path, then wheeled me over. As the chair went into the grass Jacob picked me up, and laid me down on the grass, making sure I still had enough cable length for the oxygen tank.

Instead of laying down next to me he walked off and left me there. I felt so exposed only wearing underwear and this thin gown. He came back about a minute later holding a bunch of daisies. He started twirling around in circle holding the flowers, then laid down next to me. I just laughed at him, although my laugh was quiet it made him laugh aswell. He laid the flowers down between us and started tying them together. I started doing the same. We laid there for hours.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In the end Jacob had to get more flowers about three times, and slowly, the sunset. We watched it set, watched the oranges, yellows, purples, blues and pinks melt together. By the time he was putting me back in my wheelchair to go inside I was wearing a flower head band, bracelet, necklace and anklet. Jacob was wearing the ones I made for him, a head band, bracelet and a few necklaces.

When we got into the elevator the doctors and nurses in there smiled and laughed. They must have thought it was sweet, Jacob was answering one of their questions and I'm pretty sure his answer was '18'. The lady that asked held her hand to her heart and then smiled at me. I smiled back and waved. Then the elevator came up to our level and Jacob wheeled me out, and down to my room.

By the time we got into my hospital room, a few doctors were waiting they all looked happy when I came in that door. Probably happy that I'm recovering. The nurse that was in here earlier picked up the board with a fresh piece of paper on it and started to talk with me.

Nice flowers aren't they?

I wasn't sure whether she was talking about the ones I was wearing or the roses Jacob picked me.


Jacob picked the roses out of my lap and put them in a vase of water next to my bed.

Are you ready for the presentation, Annie?

The nurse asked me. I didn't bother with writing it down this time I just answered quietly.


She clapped her hands and walked to the door and led the way. I'm sure she said 'excellent' or something like that when she clapped her hands, but how could I be sure.

She led us down the corridor and into a larger presentation room, most of the doctors that greeted me when I woke up were in there, and plenty more. They all smiled at me and waved, I waved back.

One of the doctors handed me a microphone, which I assumed was for when I was to speak. Or if I was going to speak. I leant into Jacob as he took a seat and pushed the microphone away as I whispered.

"I feel exposed."

He looked down at my breasts and body, then laughed. He stood up and took off his jacket then put it on me, zipping it up aswell.


I said as he sat back down next to me. We looked up at a screen at the side wall of the room, it was the presentation we were going to watch. Everyone else started to look at it now too.

It basically just explained what happened to me, what I am diagnosed with, how they were treating it, and finally why I had lost my hearing. Luckily it stated that I would get it back. I was happy with that.



Jacob POV



"Annie won't be able to hear for another five days, we have estimated."

"Will she be aloud to go home in that time?"

I asked because I'm sure Annie didn't want to spend the next five days in hospital.

"No, she will need to be monitored for about two more weeks."

Even worse, two whole weeks! Really! All-well, as long as it helps Annie I'm happy. Would dad be able to take care of Bridget for the two weeks? He should be able to, mum is who I'm worried about.

"Annie is changing rooms tonight. She will go into the wards. One with a double bed and a single bed also."

I looked up at her and smiled, then down at Annie. I kissed Annie on the head.


I started to wheel Annie out of the room, then Stacy handed me a slip of paper.

"Here, you'll need this."

It had a map of the hospital and showed our ward number.

"Thank-you Stacy."

I said and waved as I wheeled Annie out of the conference room. I stopped just down the hall to look where we were going. Once I knew the direction I was heading in I passed the map to Annie.

"We will go down and get your flowers later. For now, to the new ward we go."

Shit, i had forgotten Annie couldn't here me. Ok, this was harder then I thought. But it made no sense to me, why could she hear me when she was in the terror but not when she woke up? I would have to tell nurse Stacy that. It might be helpful, for research or information.

Annie kept pointing me in the way I had to go, which was very helpful. We soon arrived out side the wards, but we had to check in first.

"Hi ma'am."

I waited for the lady to look up.

"Oh what nice manners you have, I'm Clarissa."

"Clarissa, I'm here with Annie we are staying in ward...."

I looked down at the map and paper.

"Ward 54."

Clarissa smiled, she had an odd face. Her teeth were too big, she looked like she was 30 but I'm sure that was from her plastic surgery. So what? In reality she was maybe 50?

"Right through you go then, enjoy your stay. And if you need anything just let us know."

She waved to me as I walked down the corridor.

"Looked like she likes you."

At first I didn't know who said that but then I realised it was Annie. I started to laugh, I kissed her on the head. I stopped pushing the wheelchair then walked in front of it. I held my hands out gesturing for her to walk, in stead of sitting down.


She whispered. Well she was speaking as loud as she could for now, but to me it was still a whisper.

I pulled her up and let her walk the rest of the way, she decided she was going to push the wheelchair though. Probably just to make sure she stays in range of the cord.

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