The Reunion

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hey guys this is the sequel to "they were right" i hope you guys like it and thanks for all the support!!

It had almost been one year since the glorious Death Cure press tour had come to an end. The two boys were officially a couple and as happy as could be.

Dylan moved back to LA, while Thomas moved back to London. The long distance was hard at first, but they made it work. Texting, calling, and skyping became a part of their everyday.

Their one year anniversary was coming up, and Thomas was flying out to LA to spend it with his Dyl.

Dylan sat anxiously at home, awaiting Thomas' arrival. It had been so long since they'd seen each other, and he missed him dearly.

dylan: tommy when are you gonna get here?!

thomas: my plane takes off in 20 minuets, love

dylan: but that's a whole 20 minuets i don't get to see your cute face :(



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thomas: oh dylan, i love you

dylan: i love you too my beautiful boy

thomas: ok i'm on the plane now i'll text you when i land x

dylan:  ok love you x

Thomas turned off his phone and looked out the window. Truth be told he was terrified of planes, and whished he had Dylan there to hold his hand.


As Dylan arrived to the airport, floods of crazed, teenage girls dragged him further away from seeing his Tommy.

"Dylan, can you take a picture with me?"

"Dylan, can you sign this?"

"Dylan, I love you!"

Of course, he had to be kind to his fans, but he had just received a text from Thomas.

thomas: i'm here love, where are you?

"Shit," Dylan whispered under his breath. How was he supposed to get away from all these fans?

"Excuse me, I'm sorry but I really must go." He tried to leave, but two girls grabbed his arm, pulling him back to into the crowd. He felt his phone vibrate again.

thomas: dyl?

Dylan was trapped in a sea of fangirls.  He continued to fight back but their grip was too strong. Goddamn, these horny teenage girls.

He then heard a familiar voice. A voice that he'd longed to hear for the past 365 days. A voice that made him feel at home.

"Dyl? Is that you in there?" When the girls heard that sweet British voice they immediately ran over to the blond boy, and were on him in seconds.

The boys smiled at each other. "I missed you," Thomas mouthed to Dylan, as the girls swarmed him.

"I missed you too, Tommy"

lol this was prob bad but i promise u it's gonna get better :)

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