The Talk

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"Thomas what are you doing here! I thought you weren't finished shooting for another month?" Mrs. Sangster was so shocked to see her son, she dropped her plate on the floor, causing it to shatter.

Without saying a word, Thomas ran up to his mom and wrapped his arms around her. "I d-didn't know what to do M-mom."

Thomas' cheeks became damp with tears. "Thomas, honey, it'll all be okay. Your sister will be home soon and we can have a nice family dinner like old times. How does that sound?"

Thomas faintly smiled, not letting go.


Thomas crawled back into the bed he had been away from for so long. He looked at the pictures of him and Dyl scattered amongst the wall. "Dylan."

"THOMAS!" Ava, Thomas' little sister, came running into the room. "Thomas what happened? Why did you come back?"

Thomas buried his head in his pillow. Ava sat down on the bed, placing her hand on his back. "Thomas did you and Dylan break up?"

He sat up, letting out a large sigh. "No." Ava seemed confused.

"Then why did you leave him?"

"I was hurting him. And I was hurting myself. He's better off without me." Ava almost laughed out loud.

"Thomas, are you bloody crazy? You two were meant for each other. He needs you just as much as you need him. Before Dylan, you weren't yourself. I've never seen you so happy with someone before. He completes you. And if you think you can just bloody run away from your problems, then you need a reality check, Thomas. You need to go back. Now."

"B-but Ava-"

"No, Thomas. You don't get to say a word until you call him." The shaking boy pulled his phone out of his pocket.

48 missed calls from dylan❤️

He looked at Ava and she nodded her head.

calling dylan❤️...


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