The Encounter

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dylan: tommy what's wrong?

thomas: can u just come to the set

dylan: tommy

thomas: please

dylan: i'm on my way

Thomas waiting nervously in his trailer. "Tommy I'm here open up." He took Dylan in his arms, squeezing him tight. "Thank you so much for coming Dyl."

"Of course my love. What's the matter?" The sat on the couch, and Thomas sobbed in Dylan's arms. He wasn't sure what to say. "I just m-missed you."

"Tommy, I feel like this movie is putting a lot of stress on you. I'm worried." Thomas, curled up in a ball on Dylan's lap, squeezed his eyes shut.

"I'll be okay," he whispered. "I just need to lay here for a minute." Dylan agreed and rested his chin on Tommy's head.


"Tommy! Oh Tommy! Where are you?" It was Julia. "Oh no! Dylan you need to hide! I promised Hailey that you wouldn't come on set anymore after the...incident." Dylan quickly hid behind a small chair.

Julia let herself in the trailer, "Hello there Tommy. Where have you been? It's time to start shooting."

"I was just r-resting a bit." He couldn't hold back the fact that he had been crying. "Tommy are you crying?"

He didn't make eye contact, "N-no." She walked up to him and cupped his face in her hands. Dylan, still behind the chair, had to use every muscle in his body to stay still.

"Tommy it's okay." Thomas began sobbing again, knowing Dylan was watching this.

"N-no. N-no it's not." Once she leaned into kiss him, Dylan spoke. It wasn't a loud yell like last time, but more of a dominant whisper.


Julia paused, and opened her eyes. "D-dylan what are you doing here? I thought you weren't allowed to come back?" She had a look of terror in her eyes.

"My boyfriend needed me, so I came. He didn't ask for you. He asked for me." He slowly walked towards her, giving her an anxious feeling.

"Julia. Leave."

sorry this ones a little rushed but thanks for all the love and support everyone :)

you, and only you - dylmasWhere stories live. Discover now