The Day Back

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Dylan woke up, still in Tommy's arms. He never wanted this moment to end. He looked at the clock. 10:00.

As much as he didn't want to move, he had to wake up Thomas. "Tommy? Tommy baby you need to wake up," he whispered sweetly.

Thomas slowly began to open his eyes, still groggy from his sleep. "W-what time is it, Dyl?" He closed his eyes again, laying his head on Dylan's chest.

"It's ten, Tommy. You need to go to work today. Hailey's been worried sick!" Thomas suddenly remembered why he left. The movie. Julia. He grabbed onto Dylan's shirt, nuzzling his face into his chest. "I don't wanna go."

"Tommy you have to go. Come on, get up. I'll go with you." Dylan was the best boyfriend and Thomas did not deserve him.

Thomas sat up and planted a sweet kiss on Dylan's lips, causing him to blush. "Come on, Tommy. Let's get ready."


Thomas was quite nervous about going back to set. He wasn't sure how Hailey would react about him running off in the middle of shooting. As they walked onto set, Dylan held his hand tight, reassuring him everything was going to be okay.

"Thomas! Oh thank goodness you're okay!" Hailey ran up to him, giving him the biggest hug. "Is everything all right? Do you still want to do this film, or do I need to find another lead?"

Thomas looked at Dylan with his big puppy dog eyes. Dylan smiled and nodded. "Don't count me out just yet."

Then out of the corner of his eye, Thomas saw Julia approaching, causing his body to fill with anxiety.

"Well look who's back," she said in her seducing voice. Dylan squeezed Tommy's hand tight. Hailey could see Julia made Thomas uncomfortable.

"Julia, if you want to remain in my movie you will leave Thomas and Dylan alone. You've caused enough problems already and let me remind you, he is the star. Not you."

Julia sat there in silence, anxiously looking at us. "Fine," she said, as she stormed away.

"Thanks, Hailey." Thomas finally felt like his world was coming together again.

this story is wrapping up....but something special is in the works :)

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