A Horrible Suprise

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—Your POV—

I decide to let them have the first move. People say who ever makes the first move wins but that's not true. The first move is always the most problematic for the side that makes it. We stand in a mini stand off for a few seconds before Cartman lounges for me with his clawed hands.

Ducking below him I see Kyle's eyes start to glow as he charges to shoot laser beams from his eyes I think. Fast I grab Cartman who hasn't gotten up yet and use him as a shield as Kyle shoots his laser eye beams at me. It hits him square in the back. "AH! FECK YOU KYLE!!!" 'Sorry.' I put Cartman down and kick him away as I wait for the others to make there move.

Jimmy trys to attack me with his over whelming speed. As soon as he got near I step to my left and kick low in the direction Jimmy was coming from causing him to go flying into the air.

Suddenly the air gets chillier and I barely avoided the cascade of ice spikes from Tweek. "DON'T TOUCH CRAIG!!!" I stopped moving for a second and smile under my mask. 'Sorry but I can't and YES!!!!' In that moment though the ground starts to shake. "Oh shi-" in the moment the ground exploded and giant yellow grills erupt from the ground. I barely avoid them and get covered in the rubble from them.

I stay still under the rubble waiting for them to uncover me to see if I died or not. My face feels hot and wet when I realized I took a blow to the head. "Shit." The rubble moves a bit and I'm greeted by the sight of Timmy. As soon as I see him I jab a pressure point on his neck knocking him unconscious.

Looking at the trash area I decide to go on the offense. Charging them I swing my staff and hit Stan in the gut. Feeling the presence of someone behind me I turn fast and kick to make contact with Clyde in the face. With a sickening crunch he falls to the ground and I cringe. Kyle starts to heal Stan but he doesn't finish. Grabbing him by the kite I throw him into a dumpster that was near and lock it. Stan grabs me from behind causing me to drop my bo-staff.

Fast I slam my head into his causing him to fall on his butt. Quickly turning around I jab a pressure point on his side causing him to stiffen and be temporarily paralyzed. My breath quickens when I feel my hair stand on end. Turning around I see Tweek twitching like crazy and sparks being sent off of him. "GAH!!!!" A giant bolt of electricity is sent off him and hits me.

I bite the side of my tongue so I don't scream in pain. When the electricity attack finally stops I smelt my outfit and wig to have a burning smell but I'm not on fire. Looking down I notice my extra phone is broken and fried. "Shit." I hear cars coming fast and I know instantly what's going to happen. Looking around I see that I knocked almost everyone out and who ever I didn't was in to much pain to move.

"Fuck!" I see the only person in any good condition was Tweek. "Tweek. You need to get everyone home now!" He gives me a confused look and tilts his head a bit. "There's no fucking time for this! You get as many of them as you can while I'll do the same!" I pick Stan up and then unlock Kyle's garbage. "You go help Tweek get people away from here and don't be seen!" I hand him Stan and turn to the storage room and open it to reveal Butters.

"You need to go home now!" He gives me a confused look. "Unless you don't want to see a living soul ever again. Go. Home." His eyes widen and he nods before grabbing Disarray and leaves fast. I turn to see Tweek holding Craig and Token easily over his shoulders. Kyle is kinda struggling to hold Stan but seems to be able to manage. That leaves Clyde, Jimmy, Timmy, Cartman and Scott. Wait. I turn and see Scott just staring at everything in shock.

I walk up to him and slap him across the face. "GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR AND TAKE JIMMY HOME DIABETES!!!!"  He runs off and grabs Jimmy before running off. I turn and see Tweek and Kyle leaving while holding there people. Turning back that leaves me with Cartman, Clyde and Timmy. "Fuck!" I can carry one Cartman or two Clyde's but I can't carry both at once or a Timmy with his wheelchair. I hear the cars getting closer and I start to panic a little.

I look at Timmy and slap him. He wakes up. "TIMMY!!!" "TIMMY GET YOUR ASS HOME FAST!" He looks confused and then notices the cars in the distance. He teleports away with his ability's leaving me, Cartman, and Clyde alone. Crap crap crap. I start to drag Clyde into some shadows when someone lands behind me and punch's me square in the face.

My eyes widen to see Mysterion. It must be past midnight. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I hear doors opening and a stroke of fear hits me. "That doesn't matter! Get Clyde to his house now!" I turn my back to him and grab Cartman and flee. My body screams in so much pain as I run holding Cartman over my back. "Fuck you need to lose some weight!"

When I finally reach Cartman's house I dump him on the door step, ring the door bell and run to my house. Opening the door I'm created by nothing as my parents has gone to the storage units. I go upstairs into my room and close my door. My body starts to feel heavy along with the agony of all my wounds.

"N-need.... to treat.... wounds..." My eyes close and I fall into my bedroom floor bloodied and unconscious. Completely unaware of my opened window.

—Kenny's POV—

I drop Clyde off at his house after the weird encounter with FR. She seemed scared and told me to take Clyde to his house. What was weird is that she knew his identity outside his persona. Who was she? Maybe she wasn't as bad as I though she was...

As I head home walking down the street I see Ms.Cartman drag Cartman into her house. She's making a fuss and closes the door. "She knew where he lived... Who is FR?" As I'm walking past (y/n)'s house I see the light in her room is on and her window is open. I remember how we kinda had an agreement to meet tonight.

Feeling my somber mood lighten a bit I climb up to her window. My eyes widen to what I see. Fox Rabbit. Unconscious on the floor of my girlfriends room, surrounded in a pool of blood.

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