630 19 26

This is a longer chapter then norm so please enjoy!

—Your POV—


I just realized I invited Wendy, Kyle, and Stan to be in the same room at once. I start to scream loudly as I sprint around the town buying supplies.

When I finish screaming I place all my groceries on the table in the kitchen and check them. "Ok. Beer? Check! Chips of all kinds? Check! Soda and water bottles? Check! Other types of finger foods? Check! A gun to end my life Incase this all goes wrong? NOPE! Don't need that shit!"

I start to laugh a thick fake laughter to help clear my tension. 'Oh fuck I'm so screwed!' It clearly didn't work.

Going upstairs I decide to dress up a little and prepare to summon Dew back.

Entering my closet I look around to decide my outfit. After a while of looking and thinking how dorky all my clothes look, I decide on a
(f/c) sweater with a (f/a) image on it with some cozy shorts and (f/c) striped fluffy socks.

As I look in the mirror I study my appearance for the first time in awhile. My complexion has improved a lot over my recovery in the past year and I no longer looked sick. But my hair is (longer/shorter) then when I was sick since I grew some since then. Suddenly I start to feel the happiness to be truly alive. To not see Death stalking me and Kenny anymore. To have made so many friends. How I'm glad to see my parents no longer give me looks of pity, even if their both selfish dicks.

As these thoughts go through my head I remember Dew and all the shit we had been through together. Blinking I realize the smile on my face and the excited sparkles in my eyes. "Dew. Your fucking going to love this new deal."

Almost as if on queue the door bell rings dragging me from my trance. "COMING!" Looking at my dresser I grab the red chalk and shove it in my pocket before I go to the door.

—Kyle's POV—

Me and Stan were approaching (y/n)'s house when we saw Wendy at your door. Instantly I feel the hostility from Stan raise as so did my anger. In that moment one thought went through both Stan and my head.

'What the hell was she doing here?'

3rd POV—

Wendy turns around and sees us. Her eyes widen and she awkwardly rubs her arm. "Uh...."

The door opens and the emotional group are treated by (y/n) with a wide smile, until she realizes who was in front of her. "Ah Crap. This happened faster then I expected."

The emotional group gave her a confused look before she invited them all in. "I'll have to explain to y'all guys. So come in." Hesitantly Wendy enters followed by Kyle and Stan who are glaring daggers at her.

Everyone sits a respectable distance away from each other. By respectable space, they mean Kyle and Stan cramming into the armchair to avoid Wendy who is sitting on the big couch on the other side of the room, and hell is it awkward. While (y/n) is sitting on the smaller couch in the middle. One thought was going through her head. 'Oh fuck it's so awkward! Can everyone else hurry the fuck up!!!!'

—Your POV—

Kyle glares daggers at Wendy while Stan just avoids looking at her. Wendy herself looks like she's going to cry. Oh fuck how am I suppose to explain this to them. 'Oh I just forgave my bully/near murder and am being her friend now!' That totally isn't going to fly!!!!! Crap crap crap what to do?!!!

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