Sexy and Crazed

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Warning: Disturbing images will be described in this chapter and might be uncomfortable to some readers

—Kenny's POV—

I look down at the screen of (y/n)'s emergency phone and see the little red dot getting closer at ever step I take. "Come on! Where the fuck are they?!" It's right in front of me but I only see the old abandoned cabin that we destroyed Cartman's stuff in.

Looking around my eyes lay on a old wooden cellar. It was hidden in the shadow of the cabin and had some sticks covering it. Walking over to it I kick the sticks off and try to open it. With a clank the doors don't open. "Fuck!" Looking around I notice a slightly old rusted hatchet by a tree.

Grabbing it fast I study it to see how old it was real fast. It was slightly rusted but not unusable. Going back to the cellar I start hacking away at the rotting wood for a door. As wood flys by my face and splinters fall I notice the door to reveal a metal stair way that goes down. Holding the hatchet I look down the stairs. Lights on the edges glow bright enough to illuminate the steps but not enough to draw attention.

I hear a faint yelling. My body instinctively stiffens at my wariness of the stairs that go to a place I don't know of but I quickly shake it off. If there is even a slight chance that (y/n) was there then I have to go down.

With my resolve renewed I start running down the stairs, skipping them by twos. After what felt to be hours of running Dow the stairs I finally reach the bottom to be greeted by the sight of (y/n) fighting a blond guy in a scientist looking costume.

As I look around see that the platform I'm standing on is made of grates. "STOP MOVING (Y/N)!!! I WANNA CUT YOU UP EVEN MORE WITH YOUR SCARLET COLOR CHANGING EYES!!!!"

When I heard scarlet eyes I knew that Dew was in control. Looking down I see a blond haired man fighting Dew with Konner behind him, chained up on a stool. "Fuck you, you psychopathic freak!!!" Tightening my grip on the hatchet I pull my arm back over my head and start to aim for the blond.Fast I hurl the hatchet at the crazy man.

He slips on nothing and lands face first into the ground before the hatchet can make any contact with him, but this means it's course has changed. It was now flying towards Dew and Konner.

Dew gasps as he ducks under it and the hatchet gets stuck in one of the pegs in Konner's stool, just barely missing his leg. "FUCK YOU KENNY! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED (y/n)!!!"
I stiffen a little at the thought but I don't show my fear to the demon.

"I only threw it because I trusted you enough to not let that happen!!!"

We start to bicker forgetting about the blond for a bit. But this was enough. "(Y/n)!!! BEHIND YOU!!!" My head turns to Konner in confusion for a secound till I see what he means. My eyes widen as things slow down to a turtles pace.

Dew was turning his head as the scientist bares down on him with a syringe full of violet liquid. I jump down from the platform but even the fall was in slow mo.

'Come on!!! Faster faster faster!!!'

The moment I started to run to them, the syringe had already punctured (y/n)'s (s/c) skin. The scarlet eyes start to widen as they fight not to droop. "D-damn..."

He starts to fall as his eyes close. Suddenly a loud thud is heard. Dew had stopped falling and now had one foot in a small crater from the amount of strength put into the step. I can't tell who's in control at the moment but when there head raises up my eyes widened.

(Y/n) was in control and had a crazed look.

"Thanks S for putting the demon asleep! I really wanted to kill you myself!" She raises a leg and kicks the blond under his chin sending him flying backwards.

I run to her and grab her shoulders and turn her to face me to make sure if it was really
(y/n). Her eyes were (e/c) and were filled with rage, revenge, and love when she sees me. "Kenny!" She hugs me for a moment before taking a step back.

"Sorry to say this Ken but I really have the urge to kill this guy. I know I know that killing is bad but I'm going I make an exception for him!" I've never seen her like this. Her eyes full of hate and a hunger look that sends chills down my spine. But what I think is weirder... is that I think she's super sexy right now.

I don't know why but I just stare dreamily at her as she brutally starts to beat the guy. 'Fuck she's so hot for some weird reason.' I feel my face heat up from my blush as I continue to just watch (y/n).

—Konner's POV—

I look at pure horror at the once sweat, not wanting to hurt a fly, (y/n) beat the crap out of this guy. And what's worst is that Mysterion is just staring at her with a dreamy look! He's not going to stop her?! Like I thought he was the hero!!!

I don't know how long I watched this traumatic experiences go for but when it finally stopped I threw up to my side. The person called S was no longer alive or even looked to be human.

His ace was bashed in by a metal pole that
(y/n) has found in the middle of merciless attack and he had multiple syringes stabbed in different parts of his body. At some point she had grabbed the hatchet that was stuck the stool I was on and hacked S's fingers off while he was alive.

But that's worst is that with a scalpel she found on his lab table, she had slit his throat open and poured all kinds of different chemicals into it.

I watch as (y/n) stands up and lets out a satisfied breath. "Man it felt so good to just let all my aggression put like that!" She stretches her arms out like she had just woken up from a nap and walks over to Mysterion, still covered in blood. "Kenny! I'm sooooo glad to see your ok!"

My heart drops at this. Kenny was Mysterion? No can't be. I watched him burn to death just the day before yesterday!!!

I see (y/n) take the hood off Mysterion to reveal the overly so familiar blond locks of Kenny's hair. He hugs her and lets out a sigh. "I'm just happy that your fine!" I watch the two of them act all couplely as if this horrific murder just didn't happen.

I know I'm part of the mafia and we killed people, but never had I seen something this horrific in real life. But I don't know what scares me more.

The fact the girl I practically watched grow up and know is incapable of such a violent act, actually commit it.


The fact her hero boyfriend did nothing to stop it. The knowledge that if she killed he wouldn't do anything to stop her. The idea she had nothing to leash her down.


Hi guys!
I wanted to ask what y'all thought of this chapter. It's a bit different then what I would normally write and originally I only planned a normal rescue scene with the bad guy to die in the process but changed my mind to show a new darker side of reader-Chan! I wonder what I'll do with the character now....
Eh! I'll come up with something for the next chapter! Till I update again! See y'all!!


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