Karaoke Night 2

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The vid above is for lols. Also from now on in third person I'm referring yourself as you instead of by (y/n) cause it's easier to write. :P sorry for being lazy.

—Third POV—

(Y/n) grab the karaoke mashing and connect it to the Tv and toss a mic at Kenny. "I'm sure you all don't want me to go first so Kenny goes! Also you have to sing what ever song is on when I push shuffle!!!"

Kenny turns the mic on and sighs. "As long as it's not anime songs or hard knock life I'm fine."

With a smile I push the shuffle button AAAAAAAAAAND.......

It's The Hard-Knock Life appears! "GOD DAMN IT!!!"

It's a hard-knock life for us
It's a hard-knock life for us
'Stead of treated
We get tricked
'Stead of kisses
We get kicked
It's the hard-knock life
Don't if feel like the wind is always howl'n?
Don't it seem like there's never any light!
Once a day, don't you wanna throw the towel in?
It's easier than puttin' up a fight
No one's there when your dreams at night get creepy
No one cares if you grow or if you shrink
Empty belly life
Rotten smelly life
Full of sorrow life
No tomorrow life
Santa Claus we never see
Santa Claus, what's that?
Who's he?
No one cares for you a smidge
When you're a foster kid
It's the hard-knock life
Make my bathroom shine
But don't touch my medicine cabinet
It's a hard-knock life for us
It's a hard-knock life for us
'Stead of treated
We get tricked
'Stead of kisses
We get kicked
It's the hard-knock life for us
It's the hard-knock life for us
No one cares for you a smidge
When you're a foster kid
It's the hard-knock life
It's the hard-knock life

((Please wait till song is over))

When the song ends everyone claps while Kenny starts to sulk and sit next to you on the smaller couch. With a smile I pat his head reassuringly. "Don't worry Ken! You sounded amazing!!!"

Kenny with a slight teasing glare tosses the mic to Tweek. Your eyes widen in joy as you struggle not to scream your head off at the shy boy.

Tweek nervously picks up the mic and stands next to Craig. After a little of Everyone reassuring Tweek he pushes the shuffle button and the song that appears is.......

Last To Know by Three Day Grace!

Tweek nervously prepares to sing before letting it all out.

She just walked away.
Why didn't she tell me
And where do I go tonight
This isn't happening to me
This can't be happening to me
She didn't say a word
Just walked away

You were the first to say
That we were not ok
You were the first to lie
When we were not alright
This was my first love
She was the first to go
And when she left me for you
I was the last to know

Why didn't she tell me
Where to go tonight
She didn't say a word
She just walked away

You were the first to say
That we were not ok
You were the first to lie
When we were not alright
This was my first love
She was the first to go
And when she left me for you
I was the last to know

Fixed but Still Cracked| [Kenny x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now