A Murder of Snacks

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(f/s)= favorite snack

—Your POV—

I wake up and remember I kinda flipped last night. I send a message to Kenny saying sorry. After that I look at my clock and realize it's very early. The clock says it's almost three in the morning. Weird saying I never wake up this early. Getting out of bed I notice I was wearing the same outfit from the day before.

I must have freaked myself to sleep. Shrugging my shoulders I exit my room. The lights are off so I assume that my parents and Konner are asleep. Quietly I go down the stairs and head for the kitchen to get a snack. When I enter I see Konner hunched over stuffing his face with all our snacks. "Hey!" He stops and turns to me his face covered in Twinkie and devil cake cream. (Oh god I just imagined Tweek! A tweeky! XD)

"What the heck are you doing?!" He blinks twice before rubbing the cream off with his hands and then standing up strength and looking at me as if nothing happened. "I don't know what you mean. I should be asking what YOU are doing up so early." Oh no he's not.

I cross my arms and roll my eyes. "I can't sleep so I de used to get a snack, but I came in here to see a rat eating all the snacks." "Hey!" His face looks a bit mad and he stomps his foot. I can't help but laugh. "Dude. Trust me, you looked like a rat with your back all hunched and you stuffing your face." He starts to look a bit subconscious and wipes his mouth again.

I walk over to the mess and take the last survivor of my (f/s) and start to eat it. "So. Did mom and dad come home with you or are they still at work?" He closes his eyes and sighs. "Nether. I think they went off to another state to deal with some business." I click my tongue in annoyance at the fact they didn't tell me, again.

I hear a crunch and notice that Konner is now eating chips. "So did you eat dinner?" He shakes his head no and I roll my eyes. "Fine I'll make you some tacos or something." His eyes light up. I don't know why but just like Clyde, Konner has this weird obsessions with tacos. Going into the fridge I was about to open it when I see a reflection through the stainless steel door. It wasn't clear and was hazy but it with out a doubt wasn't my parents or anyone I know. Turning around fast I see a figure in a black hoody smash open the sliding door from my backyard. Konner stops stuffing his face and instantly turns and sees him.

"KONNER MANEUVER ESCAPE!" (Pronounce it like dori did in the first finding Nemo movie) He nods his head and pulls a gun from his pocket and starts shooting at the stranger. Fast I turn around and run to my parents room. When I enter I find the button and slam my hand on it. Instantly alarms start going off in the house to draw attention.

—No POV—

Konner runs out of bullets and quickly adjusts his grip on the gun. The alarms explode and instantly the intruder hesitated before getting his head smashed by the handle of Konner's gun. Fast Konner turns around and starts to run to (y/n) when he sees her held at gun point by another intruder with a black hoodie on.

Silently another intruder comes and smashes the back of a gun into the back of Konner's neck, knocking him unconscious. As (y/n) feels the gun leave her head she starts to try to escape to have her mouth covered by a chloroform soaked cloth. Instantly she could tell it was homemade as she slowly drifts off into sleep.

The intruders nods and take both her and Konner out of the house. Little did they know that now they had all of the mafia's members after there necks and one pissed immortal.

—Kenny's POV—

I enter my room through the window after a long night of patrolling. Taking my shoes and caps off I hear a loud alarm go off from a phone that was under my bed. Picking it up I knew instantly it wasn't mine. It had a (f/c) case and words on it saying 'Spare Phone #2 Don't Break'.

Opening it i am treated my a message flashing in red and white. "HOUSE BROKEN INTO. INTRUDERS ALERT!!!!" Fast I silent it so my family doesn't get woken up by the noisy thing. As in poking around it I notice it doesn't have a password.

Opening it I accidentally tap the camera button and am greeted by a video of someone's house. It looks to be a security camera. Slowly I recognize it as (y/n)'s house. Wait. THE FUCK?! I see someone holding a gun to (y/n)'s head slowly lead her down the stairs as sounds of gun shots go off in another room.

@ Input rest of what happened from above @
(apologies for just kinda being lazy there)

Fear and rage start to boil up in me as I quickly get my costume back on. I know that (y/n) can take care of her self but I know that she can't escape with Konner. The guy is kinda a bit to ignorant about situations like that. I could tell because the way he kidnapped (y/n) a few months ago. Still hate the guy for it. But that's not the point.

I have to save (y/n). If I don't then I might as well not have the right to be Mysterion.

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