Shits Going Down

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Warning: Intense Swearing. Like. The most intense I've ever written.

—Your POV—

He stops laughing and looks at me surprised as I glare back at him. "Wait how could you tell?!" A groan escapes my throat. How the heck do men expect me not to recognize them when blatantly there costume is next to them or it's just that obvious. "The fact you have the very same (f/a) costume right next to you? Does that ring any bells?" I would get up, break these chains, and then beat the shit out of him if Konner's fat ass wasn't on top of me!!!

S's face changes into a dumbfounded look as his eyes widen at me. "You remember that?! That was almost six years ago now!" I feel the weight on top of me shift and I know that Konner is coming too. "How could I forget the fucking person who made me lose five years of happiness with my friends and family?!"

His face contorts into one of rage and confusion. "How do you know that I was the one who caused your sickness?" God fuck these stupid idiots of South Park! "BECAUSE YOU WORE A SUSPICIOUS (f/a) COSTUME AND GAVE ME A CANDY THAT TASTED LIKE SHIT!!!" He makes a offended face and pouts. "My candy doesn't taste like shit..."My patience has gone to zero. Screw Konner for not coming too sooner.

Straining my arms out wards, like Superman the chains burst. I shove Konner off of me and smash the stool I was tied to. "I've ducking had enough of this shit!!!" You tear the ropes off your legs to reveal red marks with light streams of blood to be oozing from it a little.

Standing up I feel Dew start to get agitated. '(Y/n)! What the heck is going on?! You need to calm the fuck down before the room collapses!!!' I ignore him. At this point I'm a good girl turned bad, what will doing more bad do to me?

With out realizing I notice half my body stiffens and is slower then the rest. I turn my head while looking for a weapon and see one of my eyes turned red. '(Y/n)! YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN!' "WHY SHOULD I CALM THE FUCK DOWN DEW?!!!! IVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS SCREW HEAD AND THIS SCREWED UP LIFE!!! I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS AND HERE I AM!!!"

—Dew POV—

Shit. I didn't think it was gonna affect her this bad. There was one thing that I never told
(y/n) about when it came to possession. All my aggression goes to her. This is why when someone gets posses they seem harsher or more angry. It's not there own but the demon's. At the time I didn't tell her because I didn't exactly like her and the opportunity was to good to pass up. The reason Damien didn't tell her is because he didn't know.

But that didn't matter. I see her target. A tall blond man in his late thirty's wearing a white lab coat with blue jeans. His eyes were a deep orange color. But that didn't matter. At the rate (y/n) was going and how stupid the people of the mortal realm are, he's going to die.

With all my strength I posses slowly more and more of (y/n)'s body.

Slowly I move the arms to hug the body and close my eyes until the only sign of (y/n) was her yelling in the subconscious room. Slowly I let out deep sigh. I hear loud foot steps from the metal stair case that I saw earlier and open my eyes. The blond man from earlier is now standing across from me. His eyes are wide in curiosity as he notices the change in me.

"Well well! Seems you have something new hear kid!" I glare at him with ice cold scarlet eyes and slowly let go of the body. "I don't have time for a nutcase like you." I turn my back to him to help Konner, who is awake now, up.

I hear fast foot steps and turn fast to grab the wrist of my attacker. The blond guy, holding a syringe now, had a crazy look as he smiles wide at me. "At first I was gonna just kill you to make an example to your mother but now I want to dissect that head of your (y/n)!"

".....heh...." a smile creeps into my face as I look him the eye with my own insane look. "You wish mortal." His eyes flicker with confusion before fear over comes them. As fast as I could I flip him over me and slam his body into the cold metal ground.

The blond gasps as I grab the syringe from him and throw it across the area. The sign it broke was the distant sound of glass shattering. The guy looks to be unconscious and I smile wide. "Oh how I wish I could slit your balls off but I don't wish to rape this poor girls virgin eyes or mind."

Turning my back, I go back to Konner and get up and personal with him. "If you fucking dare tell (y/n) what I just said, I'll slit your throat." After doing a cutting motion on my neck with my thumb, all Konner does and nod his head fast.

I hear a cough and see the blond get up. Blood trails fro his mouth and I no instantly I might have broken his ribs. Standing up he smiles wider and eyes me up and down. "Seems the drug didn't just nearly killed you! It seems to also have given you super human strength!" He starts to cackle wildly at the fact as I roll my eyes.

"Great. We have another crazy."

Cracking my knuckles I turn to him and get into my own fight stance.

Hey guys! Sorry for the cliff hanger and I have to say something. It's kinda me self promoting but hey! If I don't speak to you guys then who will I self promote to?

So I started a Ask Blog about Kenny and Kid! Just search askkennyandnewkid and it should appear. You can ask them just about anything and dare them to do things. You also can ask for guests to appear like Craig and etc.

If you don't have a tumblr that's fine. But those who do please do ask! I'll try to answer all questions!

So till I update next! See y'all!


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