Chapter 1. Journey to Ladakh

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The clock striked 7 and Survi's phone had started beeping at its highest volume. Her deep slumber was already broken to some extent when rays of sun made their way through the swinging curtains.

Survi was never a morning person but the path of profession she chose made her one. It has been over a year since she shifted to Delhi for her residency.

She couldn't believe the fact that it's the same her, in the 10th year of her journey to become a neurologist,who used open books a night before exam till mid school.
Well, circumstances change people.
Survi was no exception.

It was terribly cold in Delhi as it was the month of January. She was wide awake by 7:15 am.

Being a very punctual person, she had a habit of being ready before time. Always.

"Earphones ,check;
Mobile phone,check;
and the trolley. Done."
Survi made the last check.


This is the final boarding call for the passengers of the Jet Airways flight from New Delhi to Leh. All the passengers are requested to proceed towards the gateway no. 3. Thank you.

The final announcement alarmed Survi . She, being the selfless person she was, was busy guiding an old man who was flying alone for the first time, when the pre boarding announcement was made.

The luggage was checked and sent to the storage department for transporting it to the airplane.

Survi boarded the flight and took her seat. The window seat.
She loved watching the embellishments of land get tiny when the plane takes off and them getting large when it lands.
As a child, she would squeal with excitement whenever the flight took off and landed.

The one and a half hour journey seemed to finish in a jiffy. Her songs playlist did the job of keeping her engrossed throughout the time.

Leh was cold. The temperature touched zero that day. Much more than Delhi would ever have at its lowest.

A thick jacket couldn't forfeit the chill out there. She was slightly shivering outside the airport, as cold breeze blew, waiting for her receiver to come.

Soon, a rocky beige Mahindra Thar arrived making a thunder sound.

Survi knew it was for her. The colour gave more assurance.

A tall, well built body possessing man stepped out and looked around. He took out the semi large poster from the vehicle and was about to stride towards the exit gate.
Before he could proceed further, Survi reached the jeep , with her trolley bag in a hand and the handbag in the other.

"Survi Vyas.From New Delhi." Survi managed speaking whilst her teeth shivered.

"Welcome Madam. I am Virat Bakshi. Lieutenant in the Indian Army." Virat's voice matched his personality. Deep and heavy, unaffected by the cold weather.

The uniform graced his physique.

"Thanks.Nice to meet you." She smiled. A little impressed with the person standing in front of her who easily created a good 'first impression' in Survi's eyes.

Virat opened the back seat door for Survi and took the front seat. Survi settled in the back seat near to the window.

Virat broke the ice and spoke first.

Mon sunshine ☀️- A Pranushka StoryWhere stories live. Discover now