Getting Stonger

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This is about to take a very unexpected turn. For my readers who expected a clear cut story where Percy loves one specific person, I'm terribly sorry to inform you that won't happen. That, and who I originally planned him to be with (should I have decided to make it one person) just wouldn't have made an easy fix if I wanted to make this a short book or just one story. So, in turn, I've taken a bit of an idea that most people attribute to a handful of Chaos stories and embedded it here with my own twist. Keep reading guys. Don't let this stop you from reading. It won't be as bad as you may think.

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Percy was in the process of training with Zoë when he collapsed. Upon waking, he realized he wasn't in fact awake. He was on a white plain, like literally white. Nothing but white everywhere. In front of him stood the most beautiful man he'd ever seen.

"Uh...who are you supposed to be? Cupid or something?" was his beat response.

The man smiled and chuckled. "Do I look like I could be the son of the love goddess and war god? No, I'm far more powerful than them. I am Eros, the Primordial of Love and Lust."

Percy nodded. " why are you here to see me? Please don't tell me you've taken an...interest in me."

"No Perseus. I'm actually here to give you a warning. That man, who you call The Man in the Moon, is far older than any of the gods or titans. He is as old, if not older, than some of the Primordials. Some believe he is the first son of Gaia but was cast aside. You can not defeat him as you are now. You would be destroyed before you even got the chance."

"What?! Then why did Selene give me this task?" he asked, outraged.

"You can become strong enough to face him. It is possible. He absorbs power through killing other deities. He killed Selene and Helios and many more that you did not know about. You however, are not his reincarnation like he said. He said that to rattle you, to get inside your guard.

"You are no more his reincarnation, than I am the Creator. It would be impossible to for him to do that without greatly hindering his own power. He is power hungry so he would never even consider doing that."

"Okay then. How do I become stronger? If I am to face him, I need to be on equal terms with him."

"Oh, well that'll be easy with just a little bit of help from me..."

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"Where is my son Artemis?!" Poseidon growled. It had been three months since they had last seen Percy and none of them knew where he was.

"I don't know Uncle! I tried finding him. You don't think I want him back too?" she cried.

Hestia spoke up for the first time. "Well, I doubt many of you pay attention, but demigods started showing up quickly again in these past three months. They talk about about a man and a woman helping them along the way."

A gasp rang out. Everyone's eyes locked onto Artemis. "He really did it..." she whispered.

Zeus' eyes narrowed. "Did what?" he asked.

"He just made me a promise and he actually followed through with it."

"Would you care to share with the Council what that is?"

"Not yet. I have to see for myself. I need proof," she replied, before flashing out.

"Like father, like daughter," Poseidon sighed, he too leaving.

Zeus sat there in his throne, flabbergasted. "What does he mean, 'Like father, like daughter?'"

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" have to have many...uh..."

"Many what?"

"Well it kind of goes against your morals."

"Okay, then I don't want it."

"You don't have much of a choice. It was your actions and decisions that lead to this."

Percy grumbled. "Okay...what...what is it?"

"Well, you need multiple...lovers..." Eros said.

Percy just looked at him stunned. "Uh...I need what?"

Eros rolled his eyes. "Your actions caused your potential power to split among various sources. You decided to leave Camp Half-Blood, not go to Camp Jupiter, becoming married to an Olympian, walking out on said Olympian, and bringing back Miss Nightshade here all played into this."

"So, I have to become a player to get stronger?" Percy asked venomously.

"No. They will all love you, and you them. They will all also become comfortable with each other. But there is one you must find. Young Annabeth. The one you saw was not the real one. Your charge's enemy took her and replaced her. The one you saw is nothing more than a shade. You must find her as she has a larger chunk of your power."

Percy sat down hard. There was just too much craziness going on. He basically had to build a...harem?! And not to mention his Wisegirl never cheated on him and was locked up somewhere. What was going on in this world!?

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