The Fight

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Perseus pulled off his cloak. He was standing off to the side of the arena, getting ready for this little bout with Artemis. He really wasn't sure how it was going to go. It wasn't a fair fight. Especially with all the weaponry he had to learn and now owned on his body.

His body only had his leather jerkin and leather breaches, having forgone his slight leather armor and metal vambraces. It would only slow him down. And against an opponent as fast as Artemis, that was worse than a death sentence. His tattoos all adorning his body, he sighed. He slipped off his leather jerkin as well and muttered under his breath. A black fitted tank top appeared, covering his upper body now.

"How did you do that?"

Perseus turned and saw Artemis staring at him. "What? The taking off my shirt and capturing your attention or the shirt appearing?" he said, jokingly. She didn't take it well and went to open her mouth the retort. "I was kidding Artemis. I know you were asking about the shirt. Plus, I'm not one for flirting. I just like to joke and you get so mad about it that I can't help it."

Her eyes narrowed. "Yes, how did you make the shirt appear? You weren't made a god as far as I know."

"No. I wasn't but my dad can have a much bigger role in my life now that I'm no longer a regular mortal."

Artemis nodded, then smiled really evilly. Perseus' eyes narrowed just as hers had a moment earlier. "You have a really toned body, and a lot of tattoos. But, I don't think the Hunters would take kindly to their future MALE guardian stripping down in front of their mistress..."

Perseus' eyes now widened, surprised on how easily she had turned that around on him. He smirked. "I didn't think the great Artemis could joke like her...older brother," he said, wittily.

Artemis growled out, "I'm older than him, and even helped deliver his idiotic self."

Perseus just smirked and caused his bow to appear. "If you say so, Silver."

"Silver?"Artemis questioned

"Yeah. I think names over two syllables need to be shortened or they get a nickname. I mean, it's better than
Moonbeam," he said with a laugh.

"Alright, Fishboy. Two can play at that game," she said. "What is it?" she asked as Perseus suddenly stopped smirking and took on a defensive air. Artemis turned and saw her entire hunt looking at her with stunned expressions. " long have you all been standing there?"

Thalia stepped up with a smirk more devious than even Perseus'. "Oh...not long, mi'lady. Just long enough to see your interaction with my cousin."

"Well! On that note, let's get this started."

Artemis nodded greatfully at Perseus, and took up a solid archery stance. For all his bravado, Perseus knew that last round would definitely be the hardest of all them. "So, until the first person lands a shot on their opponent?"

Perseus nods. Thalia, playing referee since she had interest in both sides and couldn't be fairly biased, yelled, "Begin!"

Immediately Artemis lunges to the right, letting off three arrows in such quick succession that you'd think she had an automatic crossbow and not a regular hunting bow. Perseus for his part managed to roll out of the way, his pitch black bow coming up and firing as soon as he was upright and stable again.

From the start you could tell he was outclassed, but regardless, Perseus held on for almost ten minutes before an arrow hit him in the thigh. He went down with a groan, followed by a sigh of defeat. "Don't look so depressed, Perce. Not even Apollo could have lasted that long against Lady Artemis."

Percy rolled his eyes, then grinned. "Alright, Artemis. It's swordsmanship time." He let Riptide spring forth in all its glory. Artemis noticed he took a slight forlorn look at the blade, before steeling himself and his expression hardened into on of battle.

Artemis made a silver sword appear in her hand. For all her prowess, swords were definitely not her forte, and it became apparent to all who had wielded a sword before. Firstly, she held it like it was a hunting knife, though not in a reverse grip, thankfully. Percy rolled his eyes at the blatant failure on her part.

"Begin!" came Thalia's shout, again.

This time, it was Percy who sprang forward first, unleashing a flurry of blows that Artemis was only able to keep up with because of her godly speed. She was still having a hard time keeping up and the fight was over in two minutes when Percy disarmed her and held Riptide at her throat.

"Well, it's clear they don't call you the best swordsman to walk the Earth since ancient times for nothing," Artemis said, breathlessly.

Despite the situation, the tension, and the fact this was a man-hating goddess, Percy smiled and let out a true laugh, something he hadn't done in a long while. Artemis herself even smiled a bit. "Alright, Thalia, since you are the referee. What weapon will we both be using next?"

Thalia thought it over. "How about a ki-pole? I mean, neither of you are used to blunt weapons, or two handed weapons with that kind of melee reach."

Percy smirked in his head, knowing this was actually one of his better non main weapons he had. Calling forth his dragon tattoo encircling his arm, a ki-pole materialized in his hand just as Artemis did the same. "Ready? Begin!" came Thalia's signal.

Even if Percy was experienced in using this weapon, he had no intentions of rushing in. They circled each other, exchanging a few blows, while they tried to develop a plan of attack against the other.

Then, Percy took a step back, a lunge forward. Planting his pole into the ground, using it add momentum behind a dual footed kick at Artemis' chest. Artemis for her part was unprepared for such an unorthodox move, and barely brought her own ki-pole up in defense. Even so, she was thrown back by they force of the attack.

Climbing back to her feet, she rushed at Percy as he reset himself, twirling his pole behind, then back in front of him. As she neared, she planned a solid, spearing strike, fully intending to send this aggravating demigod flying. At the last second, she caught sight of Percy's knowing smirk, but there was nothing she could do. He stuck his pole out in front of her left leg, sending her tumbling down to the ground, his pole leveled at the back of her head.

"Percy wins!" Thalia shouted stunned. "How?"

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