Meeting Wrath

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'The primordial spoke the truth, young one. Though my conscience did not fade. I just didn't care for the other vessels as much. But you are far more interesting than they were."

'Yeah, and why's that?' Percy asked.

'Because, the others used me like a tool to become famous and wealthy. They were fully aware they were different. You never cared. You didn't use my power to make you strong for your sake. You became strong for everyone's sake. If I had been more like you when I was allowed to run amuck, I wouldn't be in the situation I have been in for millennia.'

'Even so, what makes me so different that you would actually speak to me?'

It seemed like Wrath was thinking. 'I feel as if you are my best way to live. As unrealistic as it may seem, every time a host of mind dies, I feel it too, ten fold. I'd rather not die again, if its all the same to you.'

Percy just rolled his eyes. 'Okay. Well then, Wrath. Can you tell me how best to utilize the power I have from you and the other two Sins? I need to capture the last four quickly. Other wise that idiotic primordial will get the better of me this time for sure.'

Percy could almost feel Wrath nodding his head inside his minds eye. 'Yes, I think I can do that for you.'


Okay, just a teaser for you I know. But here's the deal. I'm hitting writers block because I'm working so much its hard to maintain a good focus on writing. So here's a chance for you all to get your input.

I want my fans to write their own chapter for whats next. You heard me. Write it and send it in a message or post it here in a comment. I need at least 5! I will then take ideas and draw a good outline then a chapter. Everyone's ideas that I use will be mentioned at the beginning of the chapter. And I'm highly thinking about doing that until I can see a way out of this writers block. So, good luck, and may your writing be as good as our Lord and Savior Rick.

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