d i s t a n t

71 13 43

Hello people.

It's been quite some time.

Imagine this.

You are friends with someone on Wattpad.

You talk to them occasionally, you comfort them when they kinda feel low, and you take your precious time on them.

They follow you, and then they ask you for a follow back.

Okay. If it's a follow for follow, I honestly don't mind.

It's a win-win situation. You get a frienship and a follow. How nice, right?

Then you guys grow kinda distant, and then what.

I'm not follower crazy. If it's follow for follow, which I used to do, then kindly, don't unfollow me. It's like you're using me for a follow, but in reality, I'm just looking for some friends.

So practically, you want my follow, and then you end up unfollowing me.


Just. . . Wow.

I notice the people who unfollow me. I'm not stupid. And if you unfollow me because you think we've become distant then. . .

The fuck.

I see you spamming other people's boards, literally talking to them and initiating the conversation, and then when it comes to me, I have to keep on talking to you like I'm some lapdog.

Honey what.

Fine, we've grown distant. I honestly don't mind that. But when you start pulling that bs with me saying that you're my friend and shit, it's so triggering.

If I spam your MB, it makes me seem like I'm desperate.

Distant? Please. If I always have to start the conversation with you, then it's not distant. You're just plain using me for my follow.

Just fuck off, and don't act like you're my friend in front of everyone.

It's just utterly fake and disgusting.

sayonara x

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