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Zamiere Saetta

Third grade

I remember the first day I saw him. He was so small and fragile. He was the new boy in class, and no one welcomed him as they should instead they stared at him because of his disability. He had this certain allure to him that made me want to be his friend... His best friend. The teacher guided him to his seat next to me. I stared at him wondering what lied behind those dark sunshades..

" What's your name? " He asked, still staring forward.

I was scared. The butterflies in my stomach were sprawling around. I couldn't enhance my vocabulary enough to speak to him.

" Are you still there. " He repeated. Could he hear my heart beating rapidly?

" My name is Zamiere. What's yours? " I asked back.

" My name is Pièrre. " He responded so casually.

I was young at the time but I knew I liked him. It was strange having these feelings for a boy at such a young age. I just knew that looking at him that first day made me want to know more about him. I wanted him to be my friends. I was new to this school too so I figured why not hang with someone in my situation.

" Why did your mom name you Pièrre? " I asked.

" Because she liked it. " He stated, quickly.

" Nice to see you've made a friend Zamiere. Now pay attention. " Mrs. Thoms said at the chalk board, stopping her lesson to focus on me.

I looked to her and nodded shyly while occasionally staring at him. It was that day I made it a mission to claim him as my friend.


Eventually it was time for recess. We all were guided out single file by our teachers to the playground. Pièrre wasn't in line with us, but being hand held by the teacher outside. Once outside it was a free for all for the kids. Everyone scattered out towards the swings and slides. I went towards the jungle gym to await a turn on them. My eyes scanned around the area for Pièrre. I spotted him up on the hill sitting near the teachers, and playing with action figures alone.

I walked over towards him, and sat near him. He didn't look up from his role play with the toys. The teachers were on the bench talking not paying us any attention. I tapped him on his shoulder still staring at his toys. He raised his head in my direction.

" Can I play with you? " I asked him.

He smiled at my voice and nodded. I squatted near him and grabbed the Iron man action figure. We gave the figures voices, and clashed them against each other. We formed sound effects for each time we made them do something.

" You want to play tag? " I asked, after a moment of us playing.

He stared down at his action figure behind the shades before agreeing. " What's tag? "

" We run around and I try to tap you, and when I do you turn around and tap me. And we say Tag you're it. "

" Okay. I go first ? " He asked.

" No I'll go first. " I stated, standing up.

He raised up and began running in a straight line. I chased behind slightly faster so I could catch him. He was laughing and so was I. I was catching up to him, and I hadn't realized how close I'd gotten. I reached out my hand, and accidentally pushed him causing his face to collide with the iron fence around the playground. He fell hard and began crying loudly. I felt bad. He turned around while on the group and his lip was dripping blood. He didn't have his hands on his lips. He had both of his hands cover his eyes. His shades were beside him cracked in two.

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