FMP: 11

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My eyes popped open for yet another day of work. I yawned and stretched tossing my legs over the side of the bed. I grabbed my phone shutting off my alarm clock. I got up to go to the bathroom and handle my hygiene. Once I was done I began to get dressed. I grabbed my uniform from the corner I tossed it in from yesterday. I absolutely hated working but it kept money in my pockets. I looked over at Pièrre as he shifted around in the bed feeling the empty spot next to him. He began to mumble something as his head popped up.

" Good morning sleepy head. " I smiled, shaking out my jeans and sliding them on.

" You couldn't lay here for a few more minutes? You woke me up. " He groaned laying his head back down.

" We go over this each time. I have to go to work. " I chuckled, removing my shirt.

" I know that but it's always so early. " He yawns.

" The early bird gets the worm. " I laugh. The door bursts open with Pièrre mother standing there. She covers her eyes once she sees that I have on no shirt.

" I am so sorry. Are you two decent? " She asks.

" Mama you are supposed to ask that after you knock not after you burst in. " Pièrre says.

" Well, I didn't know Zamiere was here. You got a knack for sneaking boys over. " She says, looking over at me. " Nice to see you again Zamiere. "

" You too ma'am. " I smile, embarrassingly. " I came a little later. "

She smirks stirring whatever was in her mug. " I'm sure you did. "

" Ma! " Pièrre says, covering his face. " We didn't do anything! "

" I wasn't implying you two did! " She cackles. This woman is insane. " I don't know why you two just don't go ahead and get in a relationship. He's always sleeping over. "

" We are just friends. Half of the time he doesn't intend to sleep over. " Pièrre explains.

" But He magically has a change of clothes with him each time? " She retorts.

" When He calls I come running. " I interject. " Most of the time I'm just getting off of work. "

" Likely story! " She says, " Either way it's nice to see him hanging with some friends. "

" I have other friends Ma. " Pièrre says.

" They surely don't come over. " She replies.

" What did you come in here for again? " He asks.

" I came to see if you were up because you know we have somewhere to be today. I'll give you a minute to say goodbye to Zamiere then it's time to get up. " She says, turning to exit the room.

" Is she always like this? " I chuckle.

" More or less. " He says, " I want to thank you for coming over when I call. I know things were rocky after graduation. I know I'm needy and I like to cuddle. It's probably annoying for you and... "

" Pièrre! " I stop him, " It's no problem. I don't care how often you do it. I'm going to come running each time. After all, we have been through in this dysfunctional friendship you should know that by now. "

" Even though you aren't my boyfriend. You're the best boy friend I have. " He smiles.

" You said right. " I grin. " I gotta get going. " I walk over to him kissing his forehead. " See you later dude. "

" Bye. "

I exit the room, jogging down the stairs. I got so caught up with them that I forgot to order my Uber ten minutes ago. My manager shouldn't mind if I'm a little late. I get down the stairs passing by Pièrre's mother. " See you later Mama. " I wave passing by.

Forgive Me, Pièrre | BxB Where stories live. Discover now