FMP: 13

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Pièrre Van-Holt

     " Ma! Ma! " I called for the thirteenth time today. I knew my mother loved me with every fiber of her being, but I had a tendency to get on her nerves.

" What child? What do you want now? " She asked, storming into my room.

     " I need you to pick me out a good outfit for tonight. You don't want me to go out here looking any kind of way. " I explained to her. Hearing her low mumbles and shuffling about the room. Since I was young she always picked out my clothes for me. She would hang up five outfits in the closet and let me choose. I wasn't always blind. I could still remember seeing my mother's and family's face for the first time. I could remember seeing my surroundings, and how beautiful the sky was in the day time. At a young age, I learned to not take anything for granted.

" I think some Denim would be nice. " Mom says, catching my attention from my wandering thoughts.

     " I trust your sense of style. You haven't steered me wrong yet. " I laugh.

" And I never will son. Always listen to Mama. " She replies, laying the clothes beside me. The bed sinks down as she takes a seat. " How would Zamiere feel about you going in this date tonight? " I could just hear the smirk on her face.

     " Mom I have told you time after time. He is not my boyfriend. He shouldn't feel any type of way. We already have come to the conclusion that it wouldn't be weird if we dealt with other people. "

" You two have the absolute weirdest relationship, friendship, or whatever you two call it. "

     " How so? "

" I don't know too many people that shower together, cuddles together, and argue like you two. Through all of that to still not consider it anything more... "

     " I mean... " I interrupt, " Zamiere has not told me he wants anything more with me. I honestly see him as a brother now. The ship for us to be together has sailed. Maybe when we were younger I would've considered... "

" Who the hell do you think you're talking to? You and that boy have this little back and forth going on. I'll admit I wasn't the biggest fan of him after all that shit he has done to you. However, he has shown me that he can be an actual human being. "

     " Mama. " I say, knowing the shady tone of this conversation.

" I'm just saying you don't want to keep playing hard to get with each other and end up missing out. Nothing is worse than being with someone who you were never meant to be with, and realizing it when it's too late. "

     " I honestly don't think it's that deep. He's talking to someone, and I am about to go on a date. Everybody is satisfied. " I smile.

" Umhm. " She mumbles, " Where did you meet this boy anyway? "

     " Bible study. " I answer, honestly.

Her eyes widen. " I know you are not out here shacking up in the Lord's house! "

     " No. He normally helped me get around. We ended up staying after to clean up after the kids' party and he asked me out. I was surprised. "

" You just never know where you'll find your next love interest child. " She day, shaking her head. Call from Zamiere sounded off as we were talking. " There he goes. It's like that boy has a camera or microphone in here. I'll let you two talk. " I could hear the multiple meanings rolling off her tongue. The door closes as I answer.

     " Wassup? "

" I haven't heard from you all day. What are you doing? "

     " I am getting ready to go in my date tonight. "

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