FMP: 18

787 55 49

Pierre Van Holt

Neil and I lay on the bed while he watched TV. I enjoyed when he came around because it often put my mind at ease. It tends to give me something to do when Zamiere is gone. Neil only likes to come over while Zamiere is at work. I hate that they both can't get over their egos and just be cordial. Neil says he's just tired of trying to be amicable with Zamiere and keeps getting disrespected. I can't say that I don't understand.

" I still can't believe you moved in with him after I voiced concern. " He says, randomly.

" Babe don't start. We've been over this. It's not that bad really. He doesn't cross boundaries and he's knows where we stand. "

" Where do we stand? "

" I'm laying here with you aren't I? You just have to trust me a little more. "

" I trust you completely. It's him I'm worried about. "

" You shouldn't be. He doesn't cross any boundaries and I've made them very clear to him. "

" I believe you. " He says.

" Can I get a kiss to confirm? " I chuckle. He turns my head in his direction placing a kiss on my lips. I licked them after tasting his watermelon lip balm. He knows I love the flavors. He pulls me over on to him gripping my waist and grinding up on me. I loved that his love language was touch and he had absolutely no problem showing it me. I feel secure when I'm with him. I sit up twirling my waist down on him ready to engage in sex until the door bursting open interrupted us. I fall to the side as Neil sits up.

" Aye Pièrre don't you got the rubbing alcohol in here? " Zamiere's voice rung out instantly killing the mood. I could hear him shuffling things around

" I see your folks didn't teach you about knocking on closed doors. " Neil says.

Zamiere chuckled loudly while still moving things. " I think you may have forgotten who's house you are in. I didn't see your name on the bills that came nor were you at the lease signing. "

" Zamiere don't be rude. " I sigh.

" Tell your nigga to be cool then. " He replies, " I only came in to use your bathroom and get the alcohol. "

" What's wrong with your bathroom? " I ask.

" My toilet stopped up. I think it's from when I dropped that huge shit in there the other night. I gotta go buy a plunger. " He says, shortly before me hearing my bathroom door close.

" You see what I'm saying Babe? This nigga can just barge in here with no respect for me or you when he wants. " Neil rants.

I grab his hand rubbing it. " Ignore him baby. You are my guest not his. " I turn his head to me planting a kiss on him.

" If you say so. " He sighs. I feel his arm raise up slightly. " Well, I gotta get going. Are you still gonna let me borrow your card so I can get some gas and food for work? "

" Yes. It should be on top of the dresser under the lamp next to you. " I direct him.

" Okay. I got it. " He raises up from the bed. " Text me your code. I'll pay you back when I get paid." He pulls me forward for a kiss. " See you later. " I heard him shuffling out of the room as I sit back. The bathroom door opens signifying Zamiere is out.

" Shaking my head. " He says, spraying the air fresher that filled my nose, and closing the bathroom door.

" What are you going on about? Nobody told you to shit in my bathroom either. " I say.

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