Turn on~!

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They stayed out until it was later in the night making them run back with a bunch of bags and boxes that were Jasmine's things making them laugh as they got inside, she blushed as she watched them get her clothes and take them to wash them while she took the rest to be put away as she then went to the bathroom for a nice shower as the boys came in the room moments later to join her "Now sit down, will take care of you" Mikey whispered making her follow them as she allowed them to clean her body, she moaned as they touched and cared for her body making them churr in reply making them go further into there actions making Jas try to get one of them to do something to her at the moment.

Her hands were on the shower wall with Mikey's hands holding her waist as he trusted inside of her making her moan in pleasure, Raph was simply washing her legs while also placing slight pressure on her thighs making her moan as they moved apart, Leo was working with her hair at the moment her body felt warm and relaxed because of them as she wanted nothing more then to be close to them at all times "Let's go to bed now" Leo whispered as they then dried one another, Donnie had looked for a nightgown for Jas to wear for the night making her blush as they placed it on her for Raph began to finger her as Leo kissed her making them keep going with having sex with her and at times with one another this rest of the night with at times giving her a show, when Leo opened his eyes the next day the first thing he did was turn to beside him on the bed.

He smiled at the sight of Jas sleeping on her side, Raph right under her with his arms wrapped around her waist as his way for her to stay, Donnie had his fingers in her hair most likely because he combed them for her to fall asleep and Mikey was beside him his hand on her cheek, he smiled a bit more at the view of them being naked as he then stood up and went to the kitchen to make breakfast as the phone rang "Hamato home residence, Leonardo speaking" he said as he went to measuring a few ingredients "Hey Leo, it's April" April spoke making him smile "Oh hey April, we meant to call you yesterday but the guys and I got sidetracked" he said making April raise a brow as she turned to Casey "What do you mean?" she asked making him smile "Remember the picture of the Jasmine I meet? Well she's here now" he explained making her eyes widen as she told Casey who went to call Splinter about this "Casey's calling Splinter and i'm going to call Leatherhead after this. Are you sure it's her?" she asked making him chuckle.

"Yes, i'm sure it's her. April, please tell me you'll try to come over" he said making her sigh before she agreed and then hung up, he went to work making him hum lightly as steps came over making him turn to seeing Jas wearing an oversize shirt making him smile and lift her in his arms making her snuggle in his neck, she took in his scent making him smile as he smelled her hair and closed his eyes for a moment "Sit down while I finish breakfast" he whispered making her blush and nod as she sat down at the table making him smile at the fact that she was thinking something dirty at the moment as he turned back to his work until he noticed a light limb "Are you alright?" he asked making her turn to him.

"I... did anal with Raph" she said simply making him move to place on her chair a pillow and a heat pack for her butt, he then went to work on making breakfast making her watch him slowly work "Let me know if this happens again, then I can make sure to take care of you" he explained making her nod to his words making him smile, the other's came in moments later with a look of satisfaction as they each greeted Jas in there own little way to show her there joy of her being there with them now "Raph, I want for you to thoroughly stretch Jas the next time you do anal with her. If not then don't do it" Leo said as Raph froze as Donnie immediately went into doctor mode to examine her.

With relief she was fine, a little sore but still she was fine at the moment, they then went to eating breakfast together "I spoke to April, she and the others should be coming over soon" Leo said making them nod while Jas didn't know how to react at all as Leo bent down to be at her eye level "They know we liked our Jas and that your now here, they'll love you" he said making her softly nod as he kissed her cheek gently making her blush lightly as they finished eating with Mikey taking Jas to get dressed for the day, he decided to go with something simple and traditional by getting her to wear a kimono that brought out both her skin tone and her favorite color making her smile and twirl as she had long sleeves making him smile at her as he got her out of her room to get back to the others who were also dressed a bit like her.

When the doorbell rang, Jas began to tremble in slight fear of the reaction there guests would have about her, Mikey moved close to her so as to comfort her a bit at the moment as the guests walked in with April the first to walk in with long orange hair tied in a bun, Karai walked in next with her long black hair in a ponytail, Splinter and Leatherhead looked the same except the large alligator wore pants and a coat as Casey had his raven hair also in a ponytail, they all looked a bit older than the people she knew but that was her old home this was her new home, April went to talk to Donnie with Leatherhead while Casey went to see Raph and Leo spoke to Karai and Splinter leaving Jas with Mikey, he noticed how nervous she was and knew she wouldn't be able to handle this right now making him pull her away from the entrance and get her to walk around to the backyard to rest and talk.

"Something on your mind?" he asked as the two sat down next to the tree in the very large garden "Raph did this" he said since she was looking around the garden "I just... What if they don't like me? What if they want the Jas they knew here?" she asked making Mikey look at her with sad eyes knowing what she meant, she was scared they would want her to go back to her world and send there Jasmine back here making him pull her slowly to him as she looked at him in confusion at his actions at the moment.

While she was turned on... She just felt like something would force her back

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