Here at last

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Leo woke up to the sound of something cracking making him sit up to see that the egg was now hatching, his eyes widen as he quietly but quickly moved to take the egg in his arms as it cracked more by the second making him slowly move away some of the broken egg shell off and help in opening it for the little baby to come out, once the baby stopped and began to chirp Leo knew that it was time to help the baby fully out of the egg making him smile at the sight of his child, Jas started to wake up at the sound of chirping and crying making her wonder what was wrong until she saw Leo holding the baby turtle with the egg open "The egg hatched!" she gasped as she moved to see her child.

"Why don't you feed her?" Leo asked making Jas quickly nod as she then took her daughter to feed her, there daughter was quiet at the moment as Leo's brother's woke up to seing this "The baby hatched?" Donnie asked as he moved to look the baby over for a moment making him smile at how healthy she looked, her leaf green skin brought out a shine on her with silky black hair as she was slowly taken care of after being fed giving Jas a chance to hold her daughter with Leo at her side thinking of a name for her "I like Maya" she said making Leo peck her head lightly and then nodding.

As Maya was wrapped in a blanket as she slept Jas turned to see the boys moving over to her "More?" she asked in a light whisper as Raph moved to her ear "Yeah... more" he said as she was pushed on her back as they stripped her and then began to have sex making her moan in pleasure, she was on all four but her arms gave out so her legs were the only thing helping her keep standing in a way at the moment as Raph had his way with her at the moment, Donnie on the other hand was trying to help Jas keep up with staying awake as Mikey simply watched while Leo took care of Maya gently as she slept soundly in his arms at the moment, Jas was moaning and begging for more at the moment making Raph promise that he would be next to make her carry his child.

Once Raph was finished, he carried Jas to the bath to get her washed and then dressed so to get her back to bed, Splinter gently knocked just as Jas was about to get some sleep making her wonder who it was until Mikey opened the door to let the mutant rat enter the room, she felt nervous about all of this as Raph held her close to him which helped her into calming down as Splinter walked over to her and Raph as Leo took Maya to get a medical exam with Donnie and Mikey went to make something for them to eat later on, he sat down and looked at Jasmine for a moment "You are very strong to have come all this way" he said making Jas look surprised at his words, Raph smiled to this "I knew my sons were together, ever since they were young I knew they preferred to be together unlike my daughter who wanted to grow up faster then she was" he continued making Jas listen.

"When my sons begged to be forgiven from keeping this secret from me, I only smiled and told them how I knew from the very start. And that it was because of this that I never did anything to stop them" Splinter said making Jas smile to his kind words at the moment and she would never think of anything more, Raph stood up to get out a bit so the two could talk some more making Jas join in talking to Splinter about how things were after Leo came back here making Splinter comfort her as best he could as she cried a bit from the pain that had been forced into her heart since he was gone and that was slowly leaving her.

Mikey came in to join Jas when the two were talking at the moment, it made him smile as Donnie and Leo came in moments later with Maya with them "Maya!" Jas claimed as she was ready to take hold of her daughter, her bright brown eyes looking towards her mother in joy as she chirped for her making Leo bring them together making Jas smile to her daughter in her arms at the moment, Splinter watched this for a moment as he looked at his grand-daughter "Such a bright child" he said making Jas look at him and smile "Would you like to hold her father?" Leo asked making Splinter nod as Jas handed her to him while Maya tried to get back to her mother until she saw Splinter holding her at the moment.

Maya began to chirp to him, to see who he was actually making her father chirp back to her as a response making Maya a bit more confused then she was before now, but her mother still smiled to her as then Karai ran in "Donatello!! Leonardo!!! We need your help now!!" she claimed as Maya began to cry making Jas take her back as the two ran out with Karai leaving her with Raph and Mikey as Splinter decided to follow them and to figure out about the situation, Jas moved towards Raph and Mikey making Raph take hold of her while Mikey took Maya to try and calm her down a bit at the moment of what was happening as Leo and Donnie moved to take guns and there weapons as both were now ready for what was to come at the moment and knew that no matter what they would keep Jas from there other selves from the other dimension.

They were here at last, Maya was also here at last and with them ready to take Jas away from them... they were ready to kill just to keep her here with them at any cost.

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