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Matthew: You have to go home.

Aaliyah: I dont want to.

Matthew:Its been a week. And your mom is downstairs.

Aaliyah: Ughh. Fine.


Aaliyah: Hey Momma.

Momma: You couldve told me where you was.

Aaliyah: Well the first night I was gonna take a walk and then I decided to come here. I didnt think I would be gone 7 days.

Momma: I will let it slide this time. But do it again if you want to and see what happens. Now lets go.

Aaliyah: Ok.

Michelle (Matthew's mom): Well see you later darling.

Aaliyah: Ok. Mrs.Colangelo

Michelle: You can just call me Michelle.

Aaliyah: Ok. Well we gotta go.

Matthew: Alright.


Dustin: I missed you so much.

Aaliyah: Thats good to know.

Momma: Aaliyah

Aaliyah: What.

Momma: you just cant leave. And them dont tell nobody where you are.

Aaliyah: Well I was only 15 minutes away.

Momma: I dont care if you were next door. I need to know where you are all times. Do you understand me.

Aaliyah: yes.

Momma: Ok. Dont let it happen again.

Aaliyah: It wont.


Dustin: So yall back together.

Aaliyah: Yea.Why is it any of your concern.

Dustin: Cause Im your big brother.

Aaliyah: So.

Dustin: He gon' cheat again.

Aaliyah: You dont know that.

Dustin: You let him do it 3 times. What makes you think he aint gonna do it.

Aaliyah: Dustin can you get out. You getting on my nerves forreal. Thats why I didnt wanna come back.

Dustin: I'll leave you alone but when he does it again dont come to me crying.

Aaliyah: Get out.

Im getting tired of him telling me. He's gonna cheat. I know their is a chance he probably will. But then he may not. So if he does then so be it. Like Damn get off my back.

*New Text Message*

My baby Jurnee: Why have you been ignoring me booski 😪😪.Did I say or do something.

Aaliyah: No. You didnt do nothing. Just had a few rough days. But im better now boo. 😊👌.

my baby Jurnee: Ok. You had a rough few days but you been posting those pictures on instagram with Matt.😑

Aaliyah: Yea. Family probs. 😬

my baby Jurnee: So yall back together.

Aaliyah: Yep.

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