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Picture of Aaliyah and what she wore in multimedia

Today was was the day Matthew graduates. Im happy for him but sad at the same time. I only have two weeks before he goes down to Florida for college. I died my hair back black for the graduation. I started not to like the blonde. I was gonna wear my maxi dress. But I had decided to wear my short black and white dress. And my black heels. And I didnt wear any make up. I had the twins matching in yellow and grey they looked really cute. Not only Matthew graduates today. So does Jurnee and Bryan. I wouldve been up their to. But I had the twins. So I havent really seen anybody from school since then only on pictures so I was happy to see everybody.

Aaliyah: Is you ready Matthew. We have to go to my moms house to.

Matthew: Yea.

Aaliyah: Where is your cap and gown.

Matthew: In the closet.

Aaliyah: Ok. Well you need to get it.

Matthew: Ok.

Aaliyah: How I look.

Matthew: Beautiful.

Aaliyah: Ok. Now lets go. Get Brent.


Momma: Hey baby. You look pretty.

Aaliyah: Thank you mom.

Matthew: Hey Mrs.Adrian

Momma: Hey Matthew you look nice.

Matthew: Thanks.

Aaliyah: Where B at.

Momma: He upstairs getting ready.

Aaliyah: Ok.

I went upstairs to see Bryan.

Aaliyah: Why you aint ready yet.

Bryan: I dont know.

He only had his dress pants on. Bryan has a nice body and he real cute i think I would like him if he wasnt my brother.

Aaliyah: Are you happy about graduating.

Bryan: Yes. I am ready to get out of that hell hole.

i laughed.

Aaliyah: Lets take a picture.

Bryan: Ok. Let me put a shirt on.

Aaliyah: Please do that.

Bryan: Ya know ya like this. Every girl do.

He wasnt lying.

Aaliyah: Nigga Please.

He laughed and put on a shirt. Then we took a picture. And I put it on instagram.

qveen_aaliyah Me and My Twin. I love this boy to death. He only one minute older than me and he think he the F'nnnn boss. @bryanbreeding

Aaliyah: Well I better get going. See you later.

Bryan: Alright. Love you.

Aaliyah: Love you to.


Aaliyah: Lets go Matthew.

Matthew: Alright see you later Mrs. Adrian.

Adrian:Ok. Bye Liyah.

Aaliyah: Bye Ma.


When we finnaly got to the graduation. It was packed. But I saw Michelle so I sat by her.

Michelle: Well you look goregous.

Aaliyah: Thank you.

Leila: Can I hole Kaylenn.

Aaliyah: Yea.

She picked up kaylenn and she started smiling. Kaylenn loves Leila for some reason.


After all those damn speeches. They finally start giving out diplomas.

Michelle: Its about damn time.

Aaliyah: I know.

They started with the people that got scholarships so I knew Matthew was gonna be coming soon. So I got my phone ready to take a picture. Then they said his name.

Principle: Matthew Dominic Colangelo , with a football scholarship to the University Of Florida.

We cheered for him. Even Brent started cheering.

Principle: Jurnee Janell Victoria Adams, with a academic scholarship that is worth 50,000 dollars.

I knew Jurnee was really smart. She just dont tell nobody. And then they called Bryan a million names later.

Principle: Bryan Jesse Breeding.

Then they threw their caps up. Ive always wanted to do that.


Jurnee: Awee my faggot.

Aaliyah: I havent saw you in 2 weeks. Why so anti.

Jurnee: I should ask you the same question. But first lets take a selfie.

I laughed and we took some pictures. Then Patrick took a full body picture of us.

Aaliyah: Well I gotta go. You going to the party tonight.?

Jurnee: Hell yea.

There is gonna be this huge hotel party. Me and Matthew are going. And since we dont have to go home. We can party all night and thats what i like.


Matthew: I looked good walking up their didnt I.

Aaliyah: No not really.

Matthew: Whatever.

He turned on the radio and he started singing.

Matthew: Hell yea. This my jam. Yass Bish Yass.  Yass Bish Yass.

I turned the radio off. And he looked at me like I slapped him.

Matthew: Why did you do that.

Aaliyah: I dont want to here you sing. I want to enjoy this car ride.

He got my hand and started holding it. And he looked at me and smiled.

Aaliyah: We have been through a lot.

Matthew: I wouldnt go through it with anybody else.

Aaliyah: Awe. That was so corny.

Matthew: I know.


We drove home and just chilled.

Matthew: How about we not go to the party and just spend time together.

I did wanna go to the party. But Matthew is more important.

Aaliyah: I would love that.


Then i got a instagram notification from Jurnee.

Jurnee.T My #WCW is my bestfriend,faggot,wifey, and sister. She has always been their for me since 3rd grade. I dont know what i would do without her. We have had a lot of fights but that still doesnt break us up. And nobody will. Dont get me wrong she can be annoying as fuck. But i dont care. And imah miss you when I go off to college. And I Love You with all my heart Aaliyah Anastasia Breeding.

qveen_aaliyah I Love you to Jurnee Janell Victoria Adams

Then Me and Matthew just chilled and cuddled all night. I love these times

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