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Matthew's POV

Aaliyah: Im goin out. I will be back later.

Matthew: I know you said the same thing last night and the night before and the night before that.

Im starting to get a little curious. Aaliyah has been going out almost every night. Like I trust her but something aint right. She always complains about me not being home but when I am she is leaving. I love her but if this keeps going on i dont think we can be together anymore. I decided to call Jurnee.

Jurnee: Wassup Matt.

Matthew: Nun. Jurnee but do you know where Aaliyah is going tonight.

Jurnee: Well Jaylenn is throwing a party tonight. So probably their.

Matthew: Is you going.

Jurnee: yea. Im on my way now.

Matthew: Ok well thanks for telling me.

Jurnee: No problem bro.

Since Jaylenn is having a party. Im going. But 1st I got to ask my mom if she can watch the twins.

Matthew: Ma.!1

Michelle: What Matthew.

Matthew: Can you watch the twins while i go to a party.

Michelle: Sure.


When i got to the party. It was packed im glad i did come. Then I went to the cooler and got some beer and I bumped into somebody.

??: Watch we- Matthew who watching the twins.

Matthew: My mom.

Aaliyah: Why.

Matthew: Because I need to have fun to.

Aaliyah: Well you wanna dance.

Matthew: Ok.

Went went to dance. It felt just like old times before she got pregnant.

Aaliyah: Wanna head out.

Matthew: Yea lets go.


Matthew: Where is your car.

Aaliyah: I parked it at my mom house.

Matthew: Ok. Can I ask you something.

Aaliyah: What.

Matthew: Why have you been going out so much.

She looked at me for a bit.

Aaliyah: Because I want the life I had back. I could go out whenever I want. Drink how much I want. And now I cant.

Mattthew: You think I dont want mines back either. I spend all day working. Working at school. Working at my job. And working to improve at football. I want a break but i know I cant have one. So stop complaining about it. We have children. You cant go out every night how am i suppose to know what your doing.

She just looked at me and turned her face to the window. So i just started to drive.

Matthew: Im sorry. I didnt mean to yell.

Aaliyah: Its fine.

I could tell she was finna cry because i could hear her voice crack.


Aaliyah's POV

When we got home I just went in the bathroom. And I cried. Im a horrible girlfriend and mother. Then I heard the door open and It was matthew. He picked my up and layed me down in the bed.

Matthew: Whats wrong.

Aaliyah: Nothing.

Then he started tickling me. Even though i didnt want to smile it came out. After i smiled he stoped and he kissed me.

Matthew: I love you.

Aaliyah: I love you to.

And right after that one of the twins started crying. Matthew looked at me and i raised a eyebrow at him. And he got up. So I just layed down and went to sleep.

~ Next day.~

When I woke up Matthew was still next to me first I was happy but then I forgot he had to go to school.

Aaliyah: Matthew wake up you have to go to school.

I shaked him and he didnt wake up. So I punched him in the private part. And he jumped up.

Matthew: what did you do that for.

Aaliyah: You have to go to school.

Matthew: Its senior ditch day.

Aaliyah: Oh sorry.

Matthew: Its ok. What you wanna do today.

Aaliyah: We have to get the stuff for when you go to college. Then we have to buy some more bottles and diapers.

Matthew: Ok.

We got dressed and did our hygiene thing.

Matthew: Lets take a picture.

Aaliyah: No.

Matthew: come on. just one.

Aaliyah: Ok.

He took the picture and I didnt even smile. I was too tired.

Matthew: Ok. Lets get the twins

Then we got the twins dressed and headed out the door.

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