The zombie game (working title)

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 "Monsters are real, ghosts are real too. They live inside us and sometimes they win." Stephen King


         CNN NEWS REPORT: "The virus has spread to many people, causing men and women to become murderous creatures running amok in the streets. The uninfected are looting stores, killing each other for priceless goods, or just staying home while this hell happens. The military have been able to contain some of this mayhem, but the creatures are still running amok, causing blood to bathe the streets. We will have more of this breaking news story as we recieve more..." A knocking at the door followed by shouting. The camera is still on, capturing what is happening. A loud crash resounding from the front door. Boots on the steps. The door to the news room is smashed open by military men wearing respirators and carrying army issue carbines. A clatter of gunfire. Blood smears the camera lense. The last thing heard is a scream. And silence.

      A black SUV drove through the streets. There were areas of the blocks surrounding the neighborhood that the military hadn't cordoned off, so the SUV went through those ways. A man was sitting in the passenger seat, a machine gun cradled on his lap. The driver had a .45 in the waistband of his jeans and a sawed off 12 guage shotgun in the back of the seat. They were following a white, unmarked van, that they believed had stolen some very valuable goods; though, in times like this, everything was valuable. The van stopped. They were right at the edge of the quaratined city. A chainlink fense topped with curls of barbed wire jutted from the soft earth, spotlights from within glowing bright, in case anyone tried to escape. Luckily for them, the spotlight was trained within the confines of the fense. 

    The SUV stopped right behind the van. The passenger, a man named Ken looked at the driver, a man named Noah.

"Now we make our move." Ken checked the rounds of his machine gun, while Noah did the same with his.45. He pushed the seat forward and slid the shotgun into the back waistband of his jeans. Ken pulled the handle of the door open and appeared alongside the car, aiming the machine gun at the white van. He moved toward it. Noah saw a man through the window. He aimed his .45, now silenced, and fired. The bullet struck the man in the head. Blood smeared the window. The passenger of the van looked through the rearview mirror and saw the two men. 

He jumped out of the van, an Uzi ready in his hand, and sprayed Ken. He jumped behind the SUV, bullet holes stitching the side of the car. Noah fired his pistol. Bullets pinged off the van. There was a clatter of machine gun fire. Ken was returning fire, spraying the man with bullets. Glass shattered as bullets struck the windows. Noah was crouched behind the open door. He slowly stood up and fired. 

Ken jumped out from behind the SUV and fired, hitting the man several times in the arm, blood splattering out. The man was crouched, bleeding, hand clutching his wounds. Ken moved forward...ran. He opened fire, killing the man. Ken and Noah both hopped in the white van and looked in the backseat. It was all there. The van lurched forward and Ken and Noah were gone. 

The virus had started in a home science facility, having been created by Dr. Watson who lived in nearby New York. He created it as a cure for the disease AIDS, and it was locked away for some time at the Centers for disease control all the way in Georgia. It had been accidently released by those people. They had been experimenting with it when something happened and the vial suddenly shattered, turning the entire room into some strange creatures. The virus inevitably got out of the CDC, infecting everyone in Georgia, and going north. On the day after, after many reports from doctors about this strange disease, the president of the United States declared martial law be in affect in the states that were infected. Once the military took control, chaos ensued.

People ran around in the streets, looting, protesting, rioting, fight, even going as far as to kill each other. It got so out of hand that the military used brute force, killing innocent people even, so that they may not start anything. The creatures, labeled zombies by the media, walked; some even ran. It seemed as if the world were going to end. 

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