Chapter 34

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On a very far away location, Shiro was fighting a mindless zombie butcher and it seems that Shiro is taking his time analyzing the movements of the mindless zombie butcher, on top of a tall building, Megy watches from above saying "wow! I cant believe Shiro has gotten a lot stronger comparing the first time we met (chuckles)" back at the on going battle, the mindless butcher suddenly runs fast and throwed some sadistic strikes Shiro evades it one by one with ease telling himself "hmmmm......I cant believe that even a mindless butcher can actually throw some dangerous swings (smiles) but still, this mindless butcher is a little different (gasps)" the mindless butcher backs away and roars very loud, Shiro flies away quickly wondering why, then two big war zombie monster comes out from the ground carrying war hammers, Shiro looks back at the tall building and noticed that Megy was gone but instead of facing the 3 monters, Shiro flies away immediately and saw Megy being chased by a big zombie sloth but Shiro throws a fire ball hitting the big zombie sloth at the back of it's head turning around and saw nothing, Shiro appears saying "hey! looking for us? (holding out his dragon tooth sword 2.0)" the big zombie sloth attacks landing a quick slash Shiro jumps away saying "hold tight Megy! (gasps)" the big zombie sloth uses a backhand slash Shiro blocks it using his dragon tooth sword 2.0 pushing them far away but a zombie gorilla appears grabbing Megy from Shiro's back, Shiro regains his balance and throws a fire ball the zombie gorilla jumps away and climbs up a tall building then the big zombie sloth attacks from a unknown direction using a crunch Shiro flies down immediately and chases after the zombie gorilla.

Then the zombie gorilla puts down Megy and ties her up using a long steel beam, Shiro approaches saying "let her go! (take his stance)" the big zombie sloth jumps out from nowhere using a crunch again but Shiro flies up in mid-air and blasts a dragonic pyro beam turning the big zombie sloth into ashes, Shiro told himself "that's what gonna happen i someone tries to piss me off (gasps)" then the zombie gorilla runs fast throwing a hard punch Shiro blocks it with both of his arms pushing him away, the zombie gorilla dashes forward throwing some hard punches Shiro evades it one by one telling himself "man! both of my arms are still swelling from his attack earlier!" the zombie gorilla leaps forward grabbing both shoulders of Shiro dragging down to the ground, the zombia gorilla uses a double pound but Shiro counters immediately using a fiery mega punch hitting the zombie gorilla right in the chin and Shiro blasts an armored pyro beam making a direct hit to the zombie gorilla occuring a loud explosion, after a while, Shiro lands a hard knee hitting the zombie gorilla on it's lower back pushing it toward him then Shiro throws a hard elbow hitting the zombie gorilla right in the throat, Shiro crawls out immediately and flies away freeing Megy but all of a sudden, the two big war zombie monsters approaches throwing some broken cars, Megy quickly hops on Shiro's back holding very tight then Shiro leaps away and runs away very fast avoiding the broken cars occuring some loud thuds all over the area, Shiro stops and the zombie gorilla attacks unexpectedly using a backhand Shiro blocks it with dragon tooth sword 2.0 pushing him away and uses shunpo regaining his balance, Megy said "Shiro, please do something cause it'll be dangerous for the both of us and you gotta take me to a safe place right now." Shiro replies "as you wish! (looks around the area) now, where is that stupid gorilla! (gasps and looks up in mid-air) the freak?!" the zombie gorilla uses a hammer fist Shiro jumps awa safely and dashes forward cutting off the zombie gorilla's head. 

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