Chapter 49

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After a short interrogation by Gem Gem and back inside a battledfield again, Rathalus is having a hard time dealing with Shingu and Dakraine occuring some explosions everywhere then Kenji and Krunkd areives on the scene, Grenkai said "hey guys, just in time for the party (smiles)" Kenji replies "yeah! so, what are we missing right now?" Grenkai answers "well, for now, Shingu and Dakraine are taking care of things but I'm pretty sure, my brother is gonna butt in and try to take out Rathalus (laughs)" a loud explosion occurs, Krunkd said "yup! that is Gronai for sure (gasps)" unexpectedly, Rathalus appears from a uknown direction saying with a loud voice "SURPRISE! (laughs and uses an overheat unleashing a lot of fire balls)" Grenkai, Kenji and Krunkd gets away quickly avoiding the fire balls occuring some explosions everywhere.

After an hour, Krunkd said "well, that was not Gronai after all (smiles)" Kenji said "your right (gasps) here he comes! (takes his stance)" then Rathalus dashes forward shooting some unknown bullets Kenji quickly creates a thick electrical force field blocking the unknown bullets and Rathalus brings out his dragonic gun blade landing a quick slash Kenji unleashes an electrical energy before getting hit by Rathalus attack then Dakraine appears from behind throwing a hard kick Rathalus blocks it with his left arm but Krunkd steps in throwing some hard blows Rathalus blocks it with ease and lands a hard knee hitting Krunkd in the chest having trouble catching hi breath, Dakraine attaks from behind again using an axe kick Rathalus uses teleport and attacks from mid-air throwing a fire ball Dakraine throws it back Rathalus kicks it back and shooted a unknown bullets Dakraine was caught by surprise making a direct hit, Kenji takes advantage shootig some thunder arrows Rathalus brings out his dragonic gun blade parrying the thunder arrows one by one and Rathalus uses teleport and attacks from above unleashing a lot of fire balls again but Gronai appears out of nowhere throwing a mega punch hitting Rathalus at the back crashing to the ground creating a loud thud.

Moments later, Grenkai attacks immediately using a running low kick Rathalus was thrown in mid-air then Kenji appears from above shooting a thunder spear occuring a loud explosion, Boldo appears from scene then Shingu said "hey Boldo (laughs) your late." Boldo replies "sorry, I had to take care of something so, what am I missing?" Dakraine steps in saying "well, the brothers of chaos and Kenji are taking care of the situation right now and they are doing pretty good." Boldo was quite surprised and said "really? should I join in?" Shingu replies "I dont know maybe cause Gronai just came in 5 minutes before you came (gasps)" Rathalus again attacks by surprise shooting some unknown bullets Boldo, Shingu, Dakraine and Krunkd gets away safely but Kenji approaches quickly throwing a lightning bolt making a direct hit to Rathalus occuring a loud explosion.

Moments after, Grenkai said "did you get him?" Kenji replies "yeah! I had a clear shot (smiles)" unexpectedly, the ground begins to shake then a huge bright pillar appears from the scene where Rathalus was lying down, Gronai said "uh-oh! this is not good (takes his stance)" Shingu said "your right that pillar doesnt look nice at all (gasps)" suddenly, a powerful beam was blasted from the huge bright pillar but Kenji and Shingu steps in immediately creating an electrical and a fiery force field occuring a very loud explosion blowing them away, Krunkd tries to dash in the huge bright pillar disappears and Rathalus appears from above the air spreading out his arms and white wings shouting "FINALLY! I HAVE AWAKEN! (laughs)" then Gronai attacks from a unknown direction landing a fiery slash Rathalus vanishes from the air and attacks from throwing a hard kick Gronai turns around blocking the attack with both of his arms crashing to the ground then Rathalus shouted "DJINNI: FLINT! ACTIVATE BATTLE MODE!" Moments later, Grenkai and Dakraine lands on top of a tall rock, Grenkai said "we need to be careful this time cause we dont know the extent of his new power up." Dakraine replies "I agree plus from the looks of it, it could be more deadly and dangerous but we will need the others in order to have an advantage against that guy." Grenkai answers "we'll gather everyone and take him down at once (gasps)" unexpectedly, Rathalus appears and said "where do you think your going? (shoots a unknown bullet)" then Shingu attacks from behind throwing a fiery kick hitting Rathalus on the side of his head crashing down to the ground but Rathalus regains his balance after getting hit telling himself "time to have some fun (smiles and gasps)" Boldo attacks from a unknown direction landing a hard elbow hitting Rathalus again pushing him away then Gronai arrives on the scene and throws a rage punch Rathalus ducks and counters immediately landing a raging knee but Gronai blocks it with his left arm and throws a right hook punch Rathalus leans his head back and shoots a bullet fire occuring a loud explosion.

In one place, Shingu arrives on top of the tall rock saying "looks like your brother found the opening (laughs)" Grenkai replies "he sure did but I think we should lend my brother a hand and beat the crap out of Rathalus." Shingu answers with a smile on his face "dont worry, Boldo is with your brother right now and we havent seen Kenji and Krunkd yet though." Dakraine said "maybe those two are up to something (smiles)" Grenkai laughs and said "maybe? I dont know (gasps)" Rathalus attacks from a unknown direction again landing some vicious strikes but Dakraine and Shingu parries it all together then Grenkai uses a black fiery mach punch hitting Rathalus in the chest, Dakraine and Shingu throws a double fiery front kick Rathalus blocks it with both of his arms pushing him away but Gronai attacks from behind using a hammer fist Rathalus crashes to the ground creating a loud thud telling himself "(laughs) looks like it's time to up my game a little higher (gasps)" Gronai lands on top of Rathalus gaining a full mount and Gronai started throwing some hard punches Rathalus swats it away one by one and throws a right hook punch hitting Gronai in the side of his head Rathalus throws a quick heabutt Gronai exclaims in pain then Rathalus rolls over and gets on top of Gronai in the nick of time, Kenji shoots an exploding thunder arrow making a direct hit to Rathalus then Krunkd runs fast throwing hard knee hitting Rathalus in the forehead, Kenji uses a spinning thunderous uppercut punch Rathalus in the chin paralyzing him throwing him in mid-air, Dakraine appears immediately and uses a reverse hop kick Rathalus groains in pain Shingu catches him in mid-air and slams him down to the ground, Gronai gets quickly and dashes forward using a running kick throwing Rathalus in mid-air again and Grenkai launches a black fire fist up in the sky occuring a very loud explosion.

After a terrible tragedy happened and the score has been settled at the royal guardian knights headquarters and of course, Grenkai has taken his vengeance against them and winning the battle along with his allies but a group of tough warriors arrives in dragon planet in which this group intends to challenge our potential hero.

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