Meanwhile, Gorgok and Gronai are having a great beating each other everywhere creating some craters and some loud thuds then Gronai uses a hammer fist and Gorgok throws a short ranged uppercut punch hitting them each other at the same time still, Gronai throws a right hook punch but Gorgok throws a right hook punch as well taking them both down to the ground, Gronai rolls over and stands up immediately even though he's feeling very dizzy, same goes for Gorgok as well then Gronai and Gorgok dashes forward at each other throwing a straight punch hitting each other at the same time again, Gronai uses a headbutt hitting Gorgok in the forehead spilling some blood then Gorgok recklessly throws a hard knee hitting Gronai in the face breaking his nose, Gronai retains his balance and throws a hard elbow Gorgok throws a hard elbow too hitting each other for the fourth time but none of them would go down to the ground moments later, Gronai told himself "(panting himself) man! that was something (laughs) that is actually the first time I've enjoyed that kind of brawl in all of my countless fights." Gorgok said to himself "(panting heavily) I didnt expect that there would be a warrior like him who can take a lot of hits." Again, Gronai and Gorgok started beating each other but this time Gronai crashes to the ground, Gorgok dashes forward throwing a running front flip leg drop hitting Gronai in the chest and throws an up kick Gorgok blocks it with his left arm but Gronai unleashes an amount of fire Gorgok disappears quickly and attacks from above throwing a double stomp Gronai rolls over again evading the attack and gets up blasting a pyro beam Gorgok brings brings out his spear of speed spinning it clockwise blowing off the pyro beam, Gronai flies forward throwing a fiery punch Gorgok blocks it with his spear of speed Gronai throws a left hook punch Gorgok ducks and throws a high knee hitting Gronai in the chin stunning him for 5 seconds and regains his consciousness throwing a straight punch Gorgok ducks forward and uses a left arm closeline but Gronai counters grabbing the left arm of Gorgok dragging him down to the ground and dropping his speed of spear but Gorgok breaks the throw pushing Gronai away then Gorgok dashes forward throwing a hard elbow Gronai exclaims in pain then Gorgok lands a hard knee Gronai blocks it both of his arms pushing him away again but Gronai dashes forward throwing some fiery punches Gorgok evades it one by one and unleashes a counter throwing a sudden straight punch Gronai ducks forward and throwing a overhead fiery punch hitting Gorgok in the face paralyzing him for 5 seconds making his kness wobble and falls to the ground unconsciously.
The Hero's Journey
ContoThe story is about what happened 2 years ago while our potential hero is gone from his departure along side with Megy for 1 year and it also includes parts about Shenron and his men declaring a war against war4 kingdom putting dragon planet in grave...