Chapter 92

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Time remaining: 3 hrs 30 mins.

Shiro then crashes to the ground face first and surprisingly turns into a dragonic warrior, Master Alteon said "wait! I thought, Buster sacrificed himself? but how come he can transform into a that thing again?" Oxenraygor said "pfft...Buster is completely gone we know that but of course! Shiro still has those abilities and techniques that Buster has taught him before and what's good thing about that is, Shiro is the only warrior who have succeeded in wielding fire and has now full control in turning into a dragonic warrior to make it short (smiles) Buster did not only sacrificed himself, Buster and Shiro fused their souls to each other and that is why, Shiro has unlock some new abilities and techniques." Both Master Alteon and Akriloth was in awe and couldnt believe of what Oxenraygor has told them.

All of a sudden, Dragonic Shiro gets back and attacks immediately throwing some fiery combinations Shenron drops his dragon sword of simplicity and started blocking the attacks and told himself "(smiles) well, well, how unexpected it is that I would get to experience fighting him in this form again (gasps)" Dragonic Shiro uses a right roundhouse kick hitting Shenron on his left ear and Shenron quickly throws a body shot hitting Dragonic Shiro on his left waist but it wasnt effective then Dragonic Shiro throws a sudden headbutt Shenron stops it with his left hand and counters landing two hard knees hitting Dragonic Shiro in the chest twice, Shenron jumps away quickly but Dragonic Shiro runs fast throwing an armored punch Shenron counters throwing a sudden fiery uppercut punch hitting Dragonic Shiro in the chin, Shenron grabs Dragonic Shiro's left arm and uses a fiery closeline from hell hitting Dragonic Shiro in the neck flipping him in mid-air then Shenron grabs him again and drag him back down but Dragonic Shiro immediately counters throwing a sudden heel kick Shenron was hit in the face and Shenron quickly slams him down to the ground face first, Dragonic Shiro tries to get up but Shenron throws a left punch hitting Dragonic Shiro in the face again, Shenron uses a hammer fist Dragonic Shiro uses shunpo getting away safely then turns back to normal feeling a little bit weak and told himself "his strength is incredible! (exhales) I didnt know that he would be able to go up against my other form (smiles) well, I guess the next round should be more intense than it was before."

Time remaining: 2 hrs 40 mins.

Back in one place, Akriloth said "looks like Shiro has finally got into his senses (smiles)" Oxenraygor said "I agree but it sure cost him a lot of time." The strange warrior said "that's good! I just hope that Shiro is now learning how to overcome those fears." Master Alteon said "dont worry, I'm pretty sure that Shiro can overcome almost anything." All of a sudden, Shenron and Shiro started to go at it again creating some huge craters and wiping out some clouds in the sky making the ground shake. The strange warrior said "I hope Shiro finishes this one or else (sighs)" Master Alteon asks "or else what?" Oxenraygor answers "Shenron takes over dragon planet but dont worry, we can still do something in order to defeat Shenron." The strange warrior said "but for now, we just have to put our trust in Shiro, okay? good!" moments after, Shenron runs fast an brings out his dragon sword of simplicity landing a quick slash Shiro uses shunpo then attacks from behind using a hammer slash Shenron uses a counter helix parrying the attack creating a crater.

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