Chapter 42

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Meanwhile, Krunkd and Timascus started crossing blades in one place but Kenji shoots a sure shot Timascus use teleport and attacks from behind landing a quick slash Krunkd turns around quickly parrying the attack, Kenji throwed some plasma bolts Timascus flies away quickly occuring some explosions everywhere then Fonzu arrives throwing some ice spears Kenji creates an electrical force field blocking all of the ice spears then Timascus appears from a unknown direction landing some strikes Kenji evades it one by one and throws a sudden thunderous backflip kick Timascus uses teleport and attacks from above using a front flip heel kick Kenji jumps away saying "(laughs) wow! this is the first time that I have faced an opponent who has some guts to fight me even though you are using daggers." Timascus replies "so what? I am not that naive to fight recklessly without having any knowledge of what element does my opponent is gonna use against me." Unexpectedly, Kenji shoote some thunder arrows Timascus parries it one by one and flies away quickly Kenji dashes forward throwing some thunderous blows Timascus evades it one by one and throws a sudden backflip kick Kenji leans his body back but Timascus uses a running drop kick hitting Kenji in the chest then Timascus throws an axe kick hitting Kenji in the back taking him down to the ground face first, Krunkd steps in landing a thunderous strike Timascus swats it away immediately and uses a jump kick hitting Krunkd in the chest then Fonzu uses a icy slide flipping him over down to the ground landing on his back. 

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