she is- he is-

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she is he is

When you thought you got
Hold of her, of him
When you thought you understand
Her thoughts, his thoughts
When you think you're looking at
An image, a still life image
When she, when he
Presented who is she, who is he
And you grasp what is presented
It's an illusion
Because she isn't, he isn't
As easy to discern
As tangible as you think
As still as you expected
She is as changing
He is as spontaneous
She is never stil
He is always moving

They aren't the image you see
The image they present
They aren't a picture
You can develop in a photo studio

Whoever your heart soars to
If it's a she, if it's a he
It doesn't matter
Kaleidoscope they are
A myriad of colors
Small move will let you see a different color
Hard to see, must be hard to the eyes
Might make you dizzy
A lot of eye straining
A lot of headaches

It will left you dumbfounded
Yearning for an image
That as quick as it shows
As quick as it is gone

Ever changing
The only constant in her, in him
Yet along the yearning of seeing the past colors
Comes an anticipation
Of what is there to show
Of what is there for you to see

In her world, his world
As complicated though
As beautiful as a kaleidoscope
You are the only one able to
Look hard enough
Look long enough
And appreciate

She is—
He is—
The calmness before a catastrophe
The silence before a war
The happiness before a tragedy
The smiles before tears
The sunshine before a rain

As scary, as perilous, as complicated they sound
Seeing her, seeing him
Before your eyes is happiness
Unexplainable happiness
To see an ever changing image
To be able to feel what's not tangible
To know that— that ever changing is looking back at you

A kaleidoscope of person

Knowing that despite as ever changing as they are
What will never change is...

Their ever changing nature
It will never change...
Heart for you

Amidst their nature
One of the only two constant
Is her—
Is his—
Love for you

bonjour again, my otps.

i felt in love while writing this. yep, in love with thinking people would like this poem. hahaha.

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