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'Beep.' beep.' 'Be- SLAM' "Ugh stupid Monday mornings." Haruhi muttered to herself. As she got up she felt her stomach drop.

Cramps. Of course Haruhi didn't know why this was happening but she walked slowly to the kitchen. Knocking things down she felt annoy her.

As she arrived to the kitchen, she saw her dad drinking tea looking at newspaper. "Hey dad." Haruhi groaned.

Ranka looked up to see his daughter in a foul mood. "Good morning Haruhi!!" He said closing his newspaper.

"So what do you want to eat to-"" Pills." Haruhi said sternly interrupting her dad. Ranka just sweat dropped. "Waffl?-"" pIlLs" Haruhi interrupted again looking frustrated now.

Ranka just pointed to wear the medic cabinet was and Haruhi walked slowly towards it stubbing her toe on the stove.

She stayed silent before she started yelling inappropriate things at the stove and hitting. (That stove has feelings too Haruhi... #stopstoveabuse) Ranka just looked at her in disbelief.

Ranka was worried. He never saw his precious daughter like this. As he saw Haruhi going to the cabinet he was going to ask if she was ok.

As he walked towards her, "Haruhi darling are yo- OHMYGOOODDD!!" Ranka yelled in surprise.

Haruhi jumped in shock, turned around and glared at Ranka. "What!? Why did you f*cking do that?!" She spat at him.

Ranka just looked at her wide eyes. 'So you're that kind of type.' He thought as he sighed. "Haruhi don't you feel anything... Um I don't know.. Wet behind you?" Rank said pointing at her you know where.

Haruhi just looked frustrated and confused as her hand touched her buttom. Her cheeks then became red. "O-oh.." She said a bit calm and embarrassed.

Ranka sighed in relief. "How the hell did I pee myself!?" Haruhi yelled as her face was still red. Ranka face palmed.

He then grabbed Haruhi's arm and made her go into the bathroom. "I'll wait out here. Now go look at yourself." He said closing the door. Haruhi just rolled her eyes and did what he told her.

1 min passed and Ranka could hear Haruhi screech. "N-no way! Why now!" Haruhi yelled out in pain as the cramps were hitting her again.

When she looked at the mirror she saw nothing wrong. So she took off her pants and saw a big stain of blood smudged all over.

"D-dad what in the f*cking hell do I do!?" Haruhi said in disbelief. Ranka looked a bit irritated ."Well first you can stop by not using horrible language. " he said and Haruhi groaned.

"Just wait I'll be right back." He said  walking off to his room. He can hear Haruhi telling him to hurry.

Ranka opened his little drawer which showed a pack of pads. (If you're a boy reading this, this is something girls use for their period. If u don't know what this is you shouldn't be reading this.)

"I knew one of these days this would happen. Good thing my friend bought me this for her." He muttered to himself as he grabbed one of Haruhi's underwear and went to the bathroom.

Haruhi's periodWhere stories live. Discover now