Mood Swings

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(The moods I drew in Haruhi's face are Happy, sad, Angry, and no emotion.^)

'beep' 'beep' 'beep' 'be-' *wHacK* "mmrmph" Haruhi groaned getting up hazily. She felt her lower bottom drop, and she sighed. ".. I knew it." a sigh was heard. Haruhi had already prepared for this.

She had a feeling that it would come soon, so she went to buy some pads and wore one overnight. She got up, not wanting to start the day. Finished her business in the bathroom, changed and walked towards the kitchen.

She looked inside the fridge and saw they were running out of groceries. Annoyed, not really wanting to go shopping. Ranka then comes from behind her, "Good morning sweetie- oh we need some buying to do huh?" He giggled.

He looked at Haruhi's face and seeing her expressions, she didn't look too amused. The aura around her also felt unpleasant. Ranka knew Haruhi was in a foul mood today so, "It's ok my Haruhi! Daddy will do the shopping today ok!" He spoke as sparkles went around him.

He flinched when Haruhi turned slowly to him with a straight face. Before he could say anything she just chuckled. "If you say so." She smiled walking towards the door. Cheerfully she said her goodbyes and went off.

"... Well that was odd." Ranka muttered to himself.


Walking towards school, feeling pretty good today despite being in her period. "Maybe it was the comment dad made?" She said to herself. 'Whatever I'll just try to get through the day, maybe I'll help him with sho--' Haruhi thought positively, before she jumped due to a substance hitting her side.

She quickly turned to see a small boy with a cup in his hand who looked surprised. It looked as if he was aiming at his brother or something. 'Thats fine. It was an accident, just tell him it's ok-' "Hey dude watch where you're going!" The boy spat.

Haruhi got ticked off as she aimed her hands towards him slowly. (ノ ̄皿 ̄)ノ"What the-- get away creep!"  The boy yelled out as him and his brother walked backwards slowly.

Sooner or later the mom of the two boys came up to Haruhi and apologized for their behavior. Making the boys apologize as well. Haruhi shook it off and told her everything was ok. "It's just water, it'll dry but thank you." She bowed down.

Haruhi then continued to walk off at school. "Everything is fine.. everything is fi-" she muttered to herself as little cramps started to hit her. "...EVERYthing's fine... EVERYthing's FIne.." she muttered to herself, not really keeping it to herself.

Everyone around just looked as she passed by them, a strong aura forming around her. After a while she finally arrived to school. "Let's get this over with." She grumpily said walking inside the building. Just then two girls were heard calling her name.

Before she started to tell them off the girls, they extended their arms out, letting Haruhi see the cuisine she has been craving for a while. "W-we heard you like fancy tuna Haruhi so, WE MADE YOU SOME!" they yelled out. Haruhi looked at the treat and tears started to come out.

The girls were shocked and thought they did something wrong. Before they would changed their mind, Haruhi gratefully took the food thanked them with a smile on her face. The girls swooned as they fell on the floor and Haruhi walked off.

As she looked at the tuna, a frown suddenly came to her face. For some reason she felt anger and sadness. "Damnit what's wrong with me today?" She groaned and made it to her first period.

I sat down ignoring the twins. I couldn't make out what they were saying but at one point I heard them stop talking and I put my head down. I suddenly felt slightly depressed. 'Ah.. they don't want to talk today me anymore.. that's what I get I guess.' I thought.

The whole class I just sunk on my desk. 'Ah what am I doing here, I should just go. No one cares about me right now not even Hikaru and Kaoru. They're not talking to me.'

Hikaru/Kaoru 3rd p.o.v

Suddenly the boys saw their beloved friend Haruhi come in. "Good morning Haruhi." They both greeted, in which they got ignored. It was slightly normal for them so they continued to talk.

"Hey Haruhi me and Hikaru were thinking of playing the quiet game today wanna play as well?" He told her in which only silence was the answer.

"I'll take that as a yes, ok 3, 2, 1 no more talking!" Hikaru yelled as the twins motioned their hands as if they were zipping their mouths. Class started and the twins looked at how good Haruhi was at the game.

At one point Hikaru was called by the teacher at the end of class and was forced to talk. Kaoru laughed, "HA! You lose first!"
"And you lose second! You just talked!" Hikaru added as he snickered.

Kaoru realized his mistake and groaned. "ARG damnit! Well looks like you won Har-" Kaoru turned to Haruhi's desk but saw she was already gone.

"... She's good." They both say.

Haruhi p.o.v

Yeah I knew it, they dislike me. I walked out the classroom headed to my other classes. It's all the same in all them, I got a little anxious at one point when lunch time came so just went to the bathroom and stayed there.

"I probably shouldn't go to the club today, they don't need me there." I muttered to myself leaving the bathroom. "Oh hello Haruhi." I suddenly heard, as I turned my head. "Kyoya-senpai.."

".. Are you alright? You look slightly pale." He asked. I was relieved he asked me that, I could finally let out my emotions.

"... Oh it's nothing I'm fine." I said. Yeah I probably shouldn't, he wouldn't care anyway. I smiled slightly and walked away. "Are you sure, you don't seem fine." He asked again. "aRG I'm fine four eyes!" I suddenly blurted.

I didn't turn to see him anymore, I think I should head home. I don't feel like doing anything else today. As Im close to the front doors, I see Tamaki-senpai talking to Honey and Mori-senpai. We all meet eyes with each and go dashing out the door.

Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
No more faces today i jUsT wAnNa gO hOmE.

It takes me a while to reach my place. I open the front door, take off my shoes, and head to my room. I jump on my bed and sigh in relief. "Ahh so comfy and quite.." I say to myself.

Suddenly I feel my cheeks getting wet. I blink a couple times, feeling my eyes. I'm.. crying? But why? I feel so much better now that I'm home, so why..? I sat up letting these confused tears come out.

I then hear a knock at my door as it is opened. "Oh Haruhi! So you are here, I saw your shoes at the door." He giggled but quickly stopped when he saw me in the state I am.

I expect him to get angry at me for leaving school so early, so more tears came out. But instead he gives me a hug. I let out a surprised yelp  as he did; he also pet my head slowly.

"Sweetie is something wrong today? I noticed you were acting different in the morning. And don't give me that "I'm fine." Crap missy!" He claimed. I just sighed and put my thoughts away as I explained to him.

"So why am I feeling like this?" I asked at the end. I looked as he put a finger on his lip. "Well I've searched up online to prepare whenever you got your day. And I'm sure you're just going through some hormonal changes. In short, mood swings." He stated.

I stared at him and fiddled with my fingers. "Well I hate this." I whined. I heard him laugh "Ah my Haruhi, well I'm gonna go shopping now. How about I buy you some strawberry cake?" He asked as his eyebrow shifted.

Suddenly my tears went away and I looked at him in admiration while thinking of the cake. "I'll take that as a yes." He giggled as he got up from my room.

Alright I get some cake! ...

Ranka p.o.v

As I walk out Haruhi's room, I hear her mutters such as "gAH stupid period!" And "I just wanna sleep!" And "oOoOoO  but strawberries!"

I laughed as was heading out. "This will be a long week."

Haruhi's period would last for 3 days.


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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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