Paranoid/Really Nervous

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3rd p.o.v

*RInG RinG* *RiNg RiN--* *boop* Haruhi turned off her clock as she got up and yawned. Just then she felt something down there. "Oh no." She groaned as she held it in and walked quickly to the bathroom.

"Great it just had to be today.." she said fidgety. She opened a drawer next to her and grabbed a pad. "..." She stayed silent as she looked at it. "...I hated you but I need you right now." She whimpered.


She had finally gotten out of the bathroom, feeling the pad was big. It was only medium and thin, nothing to worry about right? Well this was Haruhi's 2nd time getting her period. Right now she feels as if she's wearing a whole diaper right now.

Her dad sat on the floor as he drank his coffee. He looked at Haruhi and almost spat his drink out laughing. "PFFT Haruhi? Why are you walking like that honey?" He asked. Haruhi just looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

Right now Haruhi was walking almost like a penguin. "Ohh is it what I think it is?"  He giggled. Haruhi just groaned. It was quite between the two of them for a minute, until Haruhi spoke up. She turned around, her back facing Ranka and said, " it noticable..?" She asked nervously.

Ranka just w h e e z e d. And Haruhi became red, "So you can see it!?" She yelled. Ranka sat back up, "No No! *snicker* You're ok, it's jus-- PFFFT" He continued to laugh. Haruhi became even more red and yelled, "THAT'S IT IM N-not.. going.." she whispered at the end.

Ranka sat once more. "Whhaaat? Haruhi skipping a day? *Gasp*" Haruhi just whimpered, "Well you're not making feel any better!" Ranka finally clamed down and walked towards Haruhi.

"I'm just messing with you hunny. No it's not noticable, you'll be fine." He reassured her. Haruhi just looked at him and sighed, putting her head on his chest. Ranka just pet her head to calm her down.

Once Haruhi finished packing up, she went on her way. Before she left Ranka had asked her if she has gotten an extra one. Haruhi nodded, "Yup.. well I'm off." She waved.

Ranka waved and almost bursted laughing again, due to how Haruhi was walking again.


As Haruhi sat in class, she felt bad down there. She felt so uncomfortable and put her head down. 'As long as I don't stand I'll be fine..' she thought as her head stayed down.

"Fujioka!" The teacher yelled and Haruhi bounced her head up. "Y-yes sir?" She asked nervously. "Since you're sleeping, would you please come up here and finish the problem on the board."
Haruhi had no problem going up in class and solving it..

But right now she had the fear she stained herself and everyone would see. A lot of "What if's" came to her head and she almost felt like crying of how scared she was. "Fujioka!" The teacher once yelled.

Haruhi stayed in her chair facing down. Luckily Haruhi was with Hikaru's and Kaoru. Hikaru saw the nerves in Haruhi's body and stood up. "Man I'm so bored. There's no point in staying here." He said with his arms on his head.

The teacher yelled at Hikaru and told him to go back to his seat, but Hikaru left. Before he did he smiled at Haruhi, and Haruhi was shocked a little. 'Did he do that for m-me?' She thought as a little blush came on her face.

The teacher just walked back in the classroom grumpily "Jeez, Next time Haruhi no sleeping in class, MOVING ON!" He yelled. Haruhi sighed in relief looking at Kaoru who was already giving her a thumbs up.


Haruhi walked towards the club room, still feeling uncomfortable. How much she wanted to ask a student passing by if she was stained or not. But SHE'S supposedly a HIM.

What made her more nervous is that people were looking at her strange. Little did she know, she was walking like a penguin again.

She felt as if she was stained. 'Nah I  can't be, I would've felt it!' As she reached the door knob to the club, Hikaru reached up to her. "Hey Haruhi! " He greeted. Haruhi jumped and turned to Hikaru, "I KNEW IT!" She yelled. Hikaru was taken back. "What..?" He asked.

'oops I said it out loud..' she thought and laughed nervously. "Um anyway, I hope you're ok now after what happened in class." He told her. Haruhi stopped. "O-oh yeah! Thank you about that Hikaru, I felt like I was gonna break down." She said sighing.

Hikaru just blushed looking away, "Anyway let's go in." He said grabbing her wrist. When they entered, Haruhi's eye just widened as she saw how they were dressing today. She totally forgot.

"W-white suits..." She murmured to myself. Hikaru stared at her in confusion. The others greeted her, but before they could say anything Haruhi turned around and ran.

"I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" She yelled as her hands were in the air. "H-Haruhi!?" They all yelled. Later that day, they went to her house and Ranka answered. After a while he explained her situation.
They were all left " :o "

Haruhi's period would last for 5 days.

-Wow I haven't posted a chapter in a while huh? Oof I wrote a lot -∆-
But the way Haruhi felt in this chapter was how I felt on my first days of my period.

Also after doing this chapter I feel like doing a Hikaru x Haruhi story.. hmm.

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