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*diiinnnggg*..*diiinnnggg* *beep* "*sigh* already time to get up?" As I got up I felt my lower body a bit...wet.

I took the sheets off me and what I saw was....awful. I can't believe I'm on it. I should've known it would be coming soon. Oh well down to the bathroom.

~At Ouran~

"Bye Haruhi! We'll see you tomorrow!" Haruhi's customers said as all the girls left.

"Whew. Finally time to go home." Haruhi sighed as she got up. She grabbed her back pack and waved goodbye to her friends.

As she turned towards the door, All of the host members stared in.. Shock. Except Tamaki who looked horrified.

"HAARRUUHHII!" Tamaki cried as he ran towards Haruhi. "T-tamaki-senpai, what the heck?!" Haruhi yelled as sighed. "You scared me. What's wrong?" She said crossing her arms.

"YOU'RE BLEEDING WHADDA U MEAN WHATS WRONG!?" Tamaki yelled dramatically. Haruhi stared at him in confusion. Then her eyes went wide.

"Psst. Haruhi!" The twins whispered yelled to get her attention. Haruhi looked their way. The twins were pointing down her body. 'Oh god.' Haruhi thought.

She touched her bum and felt it. "Oh great.." Haruhi sighed. "We gotta get you to a hospital! KYOYA! Doctor nOw."

"Tam-" Kyoya said but got interrupted. "HARUHI ARE YOU OK??" Tamaki grabbed Haruhi's shoulders shaking them slightly. "Its noth-"" Don't WORRY! Help is one the way, stay with me HAR-" Tamaki said as he got hit in the head which caused him to bite his tongue.

"Ouch." Tamaki whimpered. "I'm sorry, but right now you need to calm down. I'm ok." Haruhi said annoyed.

"You are?" Tamaki said with big eyes. "Yes I am. I'm just on my period. Its life you know?" She said calming him down.


"Period?" Tamaki tilted his head in confusion. Everyone including Mori slapped their heads.

Haruhi's period will last for a week.

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