Sweet tooth

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"Brriinngg.' 'Bbbrriinngg.' Brrrin-'smack'

" Morning already?" Haruhi grunted as she yawned. She then felt something weird come. "Ahh bathroom! " Haruhi yelled as she went running to the toilet.

Once she came out, she had an annoyed face. 'Why does it have to be now?' She thought. "This sucks." She muttered to herself.

As she arrived to the kitchen all dressed, she saw her dad putting on some mascara. "Morning dad." Haruhi waved as her dad waved back.

"Hi honey!" He replied back, still doing his eyelashes. Haruhi looked in the cabinets to see what she could have for breakfast.

"Let's see, rice cereal, regular oatmeal, coffee, craacckkerrsss." She sighed closing the cabinet. "Dad! We don't have anything like sweet around here?" She yelled.

Ranka just looked at her. "No, you never buy anything sweet. You never really liked sweets why do you now?" He said putting his hand ontop of her head.

"I don't know myself either, I was just craving it I guess." Haruhi said a bit embarrassed. Then she got an idea. "Hey dad, if girls get their period do they crave for sweet things?" She asked.

Ranka put a finger on his chin. "Hmm, I really don't know. Why do you ask?" He said looking at her. Haruhi just stared at the ground, ears red.

Ranka stayed silent and then started laughing. "Haruhi! Are you on it?" He asked and Haruhi just nodded hesitantly.

"Awwww my poor Haruhi!" He cried sarcastically hugging her lightly. "Dad stop it!" She sighed embarrassed. "Hey, don't be embarrassed Haruhi. This was going to happen either way." He said trying to make her feel comfortable.

"Yea I guess.." She said grabbing her bag. "You don't have to go today if you want." Ranka said holding her shoulder. But Haruhi just shook her head.

"No its ok. If I stay today without explanation there's a big chance the guys will come check on me." She said. They stayed there standing until Haruhi's stomach grumbled.

Ranka just giggled. He went to his wallet and gave Haruhi $5 Dollaz.

Haruhi just looked at the bill. "Go buy yourself something sweet honey. You must be really craving it." He said as he waved bye.

Haruhi smiled and went off. She quickly went to a little donut shop that was close by there. As she got in, she took in a big whiff of place.' It smells so good!' She thought.

She looked at her choices and saw many kinds of flavors. If she could she would buy all of them. Or Tamaki could buy it for her.

"Hello ma'am. May I take your order?" A young woman asked. "Oh um yes. Could I please get the one with chocolate and sprinkles?" Haruhi asked.

"Sure." The lady replied as she grabbed the warm donut and put it in a small, white paper bag. "That'll be $2.75." She said as Haruhi gave her the money.

She looked at her donut, ready to eat. It was weird for her to react like that just for some sweet, but she couldn't help it. The lady gave her the change and Haruhi went off.


'Chomp' Haruhi threw away her trash in the trash bin and sighed. "I guess sweets aren't that bad." She said satisfied.


"Ahhh!" Haruhi yelled as she relized she wasted time. "I'm going to be late!" She muttered to herself as she speed walked all the way to school.

She would run, but since her thing is today she can't. She arrived at the pink school, breathing hard. She looked at the tower clock from the window.

" Geez, I'm 10 minutes late!" She said as she went in her class. Everyone looked at her as she walked in, apologized and went to her seat.

She sighed in relief as she put her head down. "Hey Haruhi. Why you late?" Hikaru asked. When Haruhi faced him, he covered his mouth trying not to laugh. (Like when Sponge Bob and Patrick try not to laugh at the number 25)

Haruhi looked a bit offended and looked at Kaoru. "What's his problem?" She asked. Kaoru looked her way and reacted the way Hikaru did. Now Haruhi was embarrassed.

She saw people look at her weird. Heck, even the teacher was looking at her. Some girls were blushing. Haruhi could here them whisper to each other "Cute".

" Haruhi." Haruhi heard Hikaru call him so she looked at him. He had a small mirror in front of him. Confused Haruhi grabbed it and looked at the mirror.

She had chocolate smeared on her face. Haruhi turned red as she gave the mirror back to Hikaru.

"Do you need napkin Haruhi?" One of the girl students asked. Haruhi shook her head started licking off the Choco wear he tongue can reach then with her fingers.

All the girls including The twins blushed as they saw Haruhi do this. Once she was done she gave a satisfied giggle.


"Hey guys." Everyone heard Honey say as the looked at him. "What is it Honey-senpai?" Tamaki asked.

Honey just looked at Haruhi. "Do you think there is something wrong with Haru-chan?" He said sweating.

From another table, they could see Haruhi munching on cake. "Idk. I mean she's been acting like that since the morning." The twins both said.

"Maybe she was just craving it." Tamaki said smiling unsure. Haruhi then appeared out of know where in front of them. Cake bits around her mouth.

"Hey guys..." She said biting into some strawberry cake. They all looked at her. "Yea Haru-chan?" Honey replied happily like always.

"I'm on my period." She said just like that


"Hhuhh!?" The twins, Honey and Tamaki screeched in surprise. Kyoya just wrote in his notebook and Mori just sat there, with a little smile on his face. He wanted to laugh at how Haruhi was so straight forward with them but he kept it in.

"Do you guys have milk? I'm thirsty." Haruhi asked licking her fingers. 'Aren't you embarrassed?!' They all thought except Mori.

"Haruhi." He called and Haruhi looked toward him. He had a Glass of milk in his hand. "Oh thank you Mori-senpai!" She giggled.

Mori smiled. 'Cute. Reminds me of Mitskuni.' He thought.

Haruhi's period would last A week.

Hi guys! I hoped u liked this. I know its kinda bad sorry!


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