Sleepy/ Dazed

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3rd p.o.v

It has been 5 days since Haruhi was on her period.

"Haruhi!!" Ranka yelled in annoyance. 'That girl- can't she hear her alarm?' he thought as he sipped on some milk. Another 15 seconds passed, and the beeping stopped.

Haruhi got up in grogginess. She got up and stumbled a little on the way to the toilet. She's been feeling swoozy since her period has been coming down hard; she's lost quite a lot blood.

"Mrmm.. I need some iron pills.. nah.. I'll go to the supermarket after school to buy things that can help me." She said as she started to brush her teeth. "I can miss the Host Club today." She concluded.

"Good morning.." Haruhi spoke to her dad. He looked at her and noticed her eyes were still slightly closed and she was walking lazily. "Hii! Hey are you feeling ok sweetie?" He asked. Haruhi just yawned. "Yeah I'm fine, it's just this damn period, But I can last for a while." She grunted as she reached for her shoes.

"Huh? You're not going to eat anything?" Ranka asked Haruhi who was about to leave. "Oh yeah.. well I don't know if I feel like eating." She told him and shrugged. He frowned, "Here look, I bought these yesterday. At least eat one on your way."

He went up to her with onigiri on his hand. Haruhi looked at at and sighed, "I guess, thank you.. I'll be on my way." She said with a smile and left.

" She said with a smile and left

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       (mmm yummy jelly donuts)


At le school~

Haruhi almost fell asleep on all her classes, Kaoru took a picture by chance and shared it with his brother. They were gonna tease Tamaki-senpai about it later. The last Bell has rung, meaning Host Club time, but not today for Haruhi.

She walked out of her class sleepy, hoping she can get some good sleep later.

As she walked out of class, she took out a small notebook and started writing things down of what she would buy. She forgot to do it during classes, but didn't mind.

"Hmm Spinach sounds good, along with strawberries. Liver is the best thing for me right now.. but it's a bit expensive. I'll stick with sardines." She added. She had been putting things down she found were healthy for her, from a page she found on Google.

"Haru-chhaann!" Haruhi heard a cheerful voice call from behind her. She slowly turned around to see Mori-senpai and Honey-senpai. "Oh hey guys." She greeted.

"Where are you going haru-chan? The club is the other way!" He said pointing from behind him. Haruhi smiled a little, " I'm not feeling well today, so I'm gonna head home." She told them.

Haruhi's periodWhere stories live. Discover now