Cry baby/ Sad

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'Beep'... 'Beep'.... 'Bee-click'.  "O-ow my stomach hurts." Haruhi winced in pain as she clutched onto her stomach.

"Must be that time of day again." She groaned as she stood up. She walked down the to the bathroom all gloomy and slow. 'Good thing I bought these.' Haruhi thought as she took out her pads.

Once Haruhi was done with her business she walked slowly to the kitchen to find her dad washing dishes.

"Hey dad." Haruhi said in a whispered voice. Ranka turned around and turned off the sink. "Good morning Haruhi!!" Ranka happily screeched as he gave his daughter a bear hug. Ranka loved to hug Haruhi and so did Haruhi to her dad but..

Right now, she loved it so much, she felt the water works coming. As Ranka kept her on a tight grip, she started crying.

Ranka let go, and looked at her with eyes wide open. He started getting worried. His Haruhi never cries out of know where. Or maybe, "Oh my god Haruhi! Did I hurt you!? Is it you back, I'm going to take you to the hospital right nOw!" Ranka said picking up Haruhi.

"D-dad! No its ok I'm fine... I'm just so happy t-that we always h-hug like this." Haruhi said as she started crying again. Ranka looked at her, 'Since when was my girl a cry baby?'

He smiled maybe knowing why and put her down. "Here have some of these for the pain to calm down." Ranka said giving Haruhi some pain killers.

Haruhi just looked at her dad and gave a small smile. "Thanks dad." With that Haruhi changed, ate breakfast and left.


"Haarruuhhii!!" Tamaki yelled in excitement as he saw Haruhi in a maid costume. That was today's cosplay. Haruhi, the twins and Honey wore maid dresses. Mori, Kyoya and Tamaki wore butler suits.

"Wow Haru-chan! You look so cute!" Honey complimented and the twins give her a thumbs up. Ears and cheeks red. Tamaki was as red as a cherry. Haruhi was about to let tears out again, but didn't as the club was about to open up.

"Welcome." The Host Club said in sync as the yellow peop- Er girls came walking in with excited faces.

Haruhi went to sit in her regular table as her regular guests came and sat down. They all blushed when they saw what Haruhi was wearing.

"Wow Haruhi you look so cute!!" They screeched which made Haruhi flinch. Tears were on the verge of coming out. But she stayed strong. "T-thank you." She said serving them tea.

The girls just stared at Haruhi for a while. She stared getting nervous. Then uncomfortable because her cramps were kicking in again.

"Hey Haruhi, you look so much like a girl." One of the girls said looking at with squinting eyes. Thus caught the host members attention as they all grew nervous.

The girls just kept saying  of how she looked like a girl. Haruhi started sweating, feeling nervous and pain in her stomach. All this yapping from the girls and the cramps forming started making her stressed. She couldn't hold it anymore.

She let the tears out she's been holding in for a long time. Everyone became silent as they see Haruhi cry clutching onto her stomach.

Her customers then started feeling bad. "Hey! You hurt his feelings. Telling him he was a girl." They yelled at each other. Haruhi told them it was not them and not to worry.

All girls were asked to leave the room, leaving a sad Haruhi in the couch. She held onto Usa-chan that Honey let her borrow.

The Hosts all asked what was wrong, but all she did was look away embarrassed. Kyoya decided to grab her wrist and walk to the other side of the room. That action made Haruhi cry.

Kyoya just looked at her worried until he sweat dropped when Haruhi said, "I was so comfortable and you made me get up." Now Kyoya was curious then worried.

He asked her again what was wrong and Haruhi just wiped her tears as she looked down on the floor. "Imonmyperiod." She said quietly and fast.

Kyoya frowned and told her to repeat it again. A tear came out of Haruhi's eye as she flinched when Kyoya raised his voice. Kyoya just sighed in annoyance. He grabbed Haruhi and hugged her gently.

Tamaki in the background was so mad and jealous that the twins had to hold him down.

"Just relax and tell me." He whispered to Haruhi. She just stayed silent and talked more clear thus time. "I'm on my period." She said in a voice only Kyoya can hear.

Kyoya's eyes widened in realization. 'No wonder she's always clutching onto her stomach.' He smiled. He then felt Haruhi sob. "You're so nice Kyoya-senpai." She cried. They both let go.

"Just try not to cry anymore. You'll get a headache." Kyoya said to her and she nodded. Haruhi agreed to let the other's Know about this.


"Awww you poor little mutt!" The twins said hugging Haruhi rubbing their heads on her.

Tamaki talked to her to not be embarrassed about her situation. "Its ok guys I'm fine really! I won't cry anymore!" She said calmly.

They all smiled in relief. "Hey Honey you mind if I have some cake?" Haruhi asked. Honey smiled brightly. "Sure Haru-chan!! What flavor?" He asked excitedly.

"Can I get the caramel whip one?" She said in excitement. Honey's smile faded. "Sorry Haru-chan we served it to all of our customers." He sweated.


A tear then came out of Haruhi's eyes. They all panicked. Tamaki ordered Kyoya to order more of the cake. Honey to let her hold Usa-chan, the rest to calm her down.

Haruhi's period would last for about 3 days.


I take requests! Hope you enjoyed this!

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