Chapter 1

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"I love you, New York!" I scream into the mic.

The crowd yells back at me. I smile as I relish in the noise.

"Thank you for having me out here! Have a goodnight!" I wave to the audience and walk off stage.

The stage crew and producers congratulate me and my touring band on a great show. We smile in appreciation. I keep trudging through them to get to my dressing room.

I throw myself on the couch they placed in the room. I groan as I realize that the room is filled with flowers and gifts.

God, it's annoying.

"Wonderful show, babe!" My agent, Clark, barges into my room.

"I thought I asked not to have things sent to my dressing room." I complain.

"I know sweet heart, but things happen. Hurry up so we can go. We have a flight to catch." He types away on his stupid smart phone.

I glare even though it doesn't help any. I grab my bag and my hoodie as I follow him out. Everything left would be sent to my mansion later tomorrow.

I'm scheduled to tour in Georgia tomorrow. I go out of the side of the makeshift building with Clark as thousands of fans try to throw themselves at me. I smile, trying to keep the annoyance from my face.

"Oh, my God, Lea, I love you! Will you sign this please?" Some blonde cries out to me.

"Sure!" I put on my bubbly personality as I grab the pen from her and scribble my name on the paper she handed to me.

"Thank you so much!" She squeals and gives me a hug.

"No, thank you."

I repeat that with a few more fans plus pictures before climbing into the limo. I plug my headphones into my ears and finally listened to someone other than me sing. Clark busies himself with answering a million calls in one go.

We buzz through New York traffic. I don't see why we didn't just hire a cabbie. I'm sure they would be able to maneuver us to the airport quicker. I shuffle my iPod to my travel sappy mix. I stare out at the city I'm unable to enjoy.

The windows are tinted so no one can see in and see me gawking. I really wish I hadn't signed up for this stupid tour. We're never where I want to be for very long, but we get laid-over whenever we're in somewhere I don't want to be.

I can bet my concert ticket sales that we'll get stuck in Georgia. I sighed. I don't know why I'm complaining. This is my first concert tour. I should be stoked! How many teens my age can say they've done that?

I even got to sing with my idols, Labrinth and Chrisette Michele!

The limo finally pulls up to the airport. We manage to make it through check in and the security check without being noticed. I may have a real cool studio apartment as I refer to as a mansion, but I don't have a private plane of jet.

I like to save.

"Clark." I tug on his suit jacket like a child. "I have to pee."

He cringes. I smirk with satisfaction. I love giving him a hard time. He nods for me to go.

"Don't go far!" He warns me before resuming his grumbling into the phone.

I roll my eyes. I'm not really a child. I tuck my hands into the pockets of my hoodie and keep my head down like I've been taught as I walk off.

I look around for the sign for the women's bathroom. My shoulder bumps against a few people. I mutter an apology and keep walking.

I hate how dull airports are. A woman on the intercom makes an announcement as I slip through the bathroom door and take my headphones out.

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