Chapter 4

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Dinner is a pot roast and carrots. Compliments of Aunt Brenda. The pot roast is nice and moist, but I don't care for carrots. Vegetables aren't my favorite friends unless there's starch.

I sneak some to Champ every now and again when no one is looking. We don't do much talking as we eat. It's been a long time since I've had a home-cooked meal and an even longer time since I've had a family meal.

Once dinner is over, I excuse myself and go up to my room for the night. Aunt Brenda says I'm allowed to skip out on a few chores at least for a little bit, but tells me not to get comfortable.

The night country air greets me with its music through my open window. I breathe in deeply. I've never been to a country area before. It's a lot more silent compared to what I'm used to.

I change into my pajamas and climb into bed. I stare at my ceiling. I catch faded glow in the dark stars on the ceiling above me and smile.

They remind me of the ones I have in my closet in my condo in New York. No one knows their up their except for the maid that comes to clean from time to time.

It's something about not being able to see the real stars in the bright city that pushed me to get them.

There's a soft scratch on the bedroom door then a whine. I smile and let Champ in. He hops into bed with me and walks into a circle before settling onto the bed. I pet his fur.

I wish I didn't travel all of the time. I'd be able to have a pet of my own to come home to.

Maybe that's what I'll do when all of this is over.

Settle down for a while and enjoy a dog. I guess when tours pop up again, I can hire a dog-sitter.

I go to sleep with happy thoughts and dreams of dog-sitters.

I WAKE UP to the feeling of something weighing on my back. I raise my head to see Champ laying across me snoring peacefully. I groan and bury my face back into the pillow.

This dog will be the death of me.

After much effort on my part, I roll Champ off of me and get ready for the day. Aunt Brenda makes breakfast and offers to take me into town to show me around. Uncle Clint was out working on a car in his shed.

Aunt Brenda explains that he usually helps fix other people's cars on Sunday's.

"I thought Sunday was a resting day?" I ask.

"It helps him relax. At least, that's what he tells me."

We both climb into the truck. Aunt Brenda honks the horn. Uncle Clint comes out of the shed wiping his hands off with a piece of cloth. His clothes are covered in oil stains.

Some look faded and others shine in the light.

"You gals leaving?"

"Yep. I told, Olivia I'd show her around town. You're in charge of Champ."

Uncle Clint pouts. "But we'll starve without you."

I chuckle.

"We'll be back. Don't burn down my house again."

My smile turns into a frown as she pulls off.

"Wait. Again?"

Aunt Brenda laughs softly. "I went out to run a few errands. My wonderful husband tried to cook me a dinner and surprise me when I got back. Unfortunately, my wonderful husband is a horrible cook."

I crackle with laughter.

"The fire department pulled up right when I did. He's been band from the kitchen ever since."

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