Alright then, Husband

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Her lords and ladies truly did enjoy backing Sigyn into a corner, and considering she was their sovereign it was odd how well they managed to twist her will, trying their best to make her see a point of view which was completely beyond her horizons and completely out of the question. Of course, this certain opinion had to do with a certain someone who had shared her bed, in a non sexual fashion of course, a few days prior.

"He does nothing!" Lord Balimire had exclaimed several times, earning nods from many others around the table.

"He's a friend!"

"He was gifted to be a consort!"

Sigyn fumed through the whole session, becoming more and more tempted to focus on the Lords head just a little more and hope it would blow right up, and the thing is, she knew she could do it, many apples and watermelons and tellings off from her mother had proven so, and yet she couldn't find the energy to. The way they spoke of Loki was as if he were a mutt which had been gifted for the purpose to be a hunting dog, making him even less of an Aesir and more of an animal than anything else.

By the end of the session, she was ready to grab her sword and have a few rounds, preferably with the very people sitting in this room. Their entire argument was based off the fact that he had been 'gifted' and Sigyn countered that a person could do with a gift what they wished. It made her feel disgusted to refer to him as such however it was the only way to make the people in the council understand. Eventually she simply refused. She was the sovereign and could do as she pleased, no matter what her council said.

Whilst walking back to her room, Sigyn took great pleasure in thinking exactly how she would execute Lord Balimire in the most painful fashion possible. Perhaps being hung drawn and quartered, or perhaps simply hung so she could watch him flail like a hung fish. Such thoughts were common when leaving a meeting.

Without even realising it, she made the turn away from her room towards Loki's quarters, her footsteps echoing around the halls of the palace, bouncing off the walls with every enraged stride she took on the way to his chambers. In fact, she wasn't even completely aware of where she was going until she had knocked firmly on his door and taken a step back, causing the reality of the situation to dawn on her.

Before she could have a chance to back away, the door opened to reveal Loki, wearing a particularly lovely green dress that seemed vaguely familiar, perhaps it was because it was because she leant it to him after he seemed to have been drawn to it when she was wearing it. Gods know why Amora chose that particular dress for her to wear, it wasn't even her favourite shade of green and she knew it.

He gave her a little smile and gestured inside, allowing her through. She walked in slowly, trying to compose her thoughts slightly, before sitting down on one of the chairs near Loki's fireplace, another was to the right of her, but was separated with a small table with a cupboard in it, containing Loki's favourite books.

He sat down next to her, turning to face Sigyn, ready to start whatever debate or conversation she wished to initiate today.

She was sat pensively, her hands resting below her chin, her entire body thrown into thought as if some sort of a disturbing revelation had been made to her within the past few hours.

She found herself sighing and sitting back up, looking over at Loki who was casually leaning on his elbow, not quite looking at her and waiting for her to properly initiate the conversation. After all, it was the polite thing to do, she was the queen.

She was trying so hard to think of a way to phrase it well, to make sure he didn't hate her for even suggesting it, perhaps even avoid the conversation before it began, tell the lords and ladies he said 'no' without even asking.

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