Oblivious in Each Other's Arms

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Sigyn's cheeks bloomed with heat for some reason, at the somewhat odd request. Though she supposed that considering what they were about to get into, Sigyn was sure it would have to become habit. Loki was looking at her intensely, not giving away if he thought it was a joke or not.

She turned away, cheeks still practically glowing red. For some reason, she found that she was having trouble breathing and that her palms, now folded in her lap, had become sweaty and clammy. She tried to keep as composed as possible and yet she could feel a giggle rising in her throat, however she refused to let it see the light of day. She was a queen, not some giddy schoolgirl with a crush.

Loki wasn't even sure what to do. Mention a kiss to a queen and she lights up more so than the fires they light at winter. Her cheeks were bright, blood red as if she had added powder to create the artifice of health, and yet it was not so, for moments ago she had been her usual shade. He had ruined the composure of a queen, and usually he found that both parties had to be very much more naked than they were now to do such things.

He saw her smile privately, as if she had simply read his thoughts, of course he knew she couldn't and yet he still got the sneaking suspicion she knew him well enough by now to understand his way of thinking.

"Perhaps, another time." She said, looking down at her hands in her lap, trying to give a reserved smile only to completely drop the composure she had worked so hard to maintain and give a gleaming smile towards her lap, somewhat bashfully. Loki found himself breathless.

After the original bashfulness and unsure environment melted, they eventually got to the conversation of such things as sleeping arrangements, which he soon found out would be drastically changed.

"Are you sure?" He truly didn't understand Vanaheimr customs and traditions, well, this one at least.

"Yes, consorts usually remain in the same room as their other." She meant in terms of sleeping, but of course she could understand where Loki's confusion was coming from. In Asgard, it was deemed indecent for a consort to well, consort with their significant other till after marriage. In Vanaheim, however, the laws over such things were far more lax than other places.

"Isn't it, suspect or something like that?" Sigyn gave a giggle and shook her head.

"No, many people in this castle are actually conceived and borne out of wedlock." She replied, somewhat unsure how Loki, raised in such a different environment, would react to such things.

"Such as?"truly, he really had no idea how common it was to be unmarried in Vanaheim.

"Well, myself, I think." She replied casually, turning to face him and see the mask of pure shock plastered on his face. It was almost laughable how surprised he looked, in fact if Sigyn could have anything in the world in that moment, it would be a painting of Loki with that exact facial expression.

"You were born out of wedlock?" He seemed even impressed somehow by the information.

"Well, I think? Mother died when I was born and Mama died before I was able to understand what a 'bastard' was." It was too causal. The talk of marriage, birth and death between the two. Loki was somewhat scared at how easily she talked of her mothers' deaths, both of them thrown into the conversation in the same way someone would quickly mention a side note friend in a tale.

"Your mothers are, dead?"

She was taken aback by the soft tone in which he spoke, as if he were whispering her a secret. She had grown used to her families deaths, and found it odd that someone should be shocked that she no longer had any.

"Yes, but don't be sad, they were gone before I was but 200." She said, still unsure how to talk of it. Whilst it sounded insensitive, she was used to the two missing pieces that she had come to accept as lost forever.

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