Unannounced and Unwelcome guests

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To have Thor stay another day was a relief for both Sigyn and Loki, the pair seeing it as some form of an act of solidarity, however the days of rain and storms washing over the palace was somewhat tedious. After the second day, Sigyn had given up trying to go outside and by the third, she all but refused to leave her bedroom. Though the god of thunder's anger was expressed solely through the temperamental weather, she couldn't help but be happy that he was angry. Were there clear skies she was sure she wouldn't be able to trust his concern for his brother.

When she woke up on the fourth day and still heard the pattering of raindrops against the palace roof, she found herself completely unable to muster any energy whatsoever to pry Loki's arms from around her naked waist. Ragnarok itself could happen in this moment, and yet Sigyn couldn't find it in herself to particularly care. She was too comfortable.

Loki was still sleeping, his face set into one of peace as he slumbered. Sigyn could see a small pair of horns still growing from his forehead, soon enough she would have to be careful when she kissed him for fear they might jab her accidentally. Should they grow any further Sigyn wasn't sure that Loki could actually balance his own head.

He whined slightly in his sleep, drawing Sigyn closer unconsciously to him and snuggling into her shoulder in an attempt to either hide from the sun which had made an appearance, or simply to be closer to the woman beside him. Sigyn did not move, appreciating the way that even in his sleep he tended to want her to be just a little closer to her.

What on earth was going to happen? Was Odin going to come back for Loki and beat him back into submission in the same way Sigyn had experienced, with a whip upon the back and poison in veins, or would it be worse? Was he just going to leave them in peace? And what of Thor? Would the rain stop one day to the thunderous applause of the Bifrost opening, or would he stay?

"Stop worrying." A mumble came from below her cheek, where Loki was still comfortably resting, but now awake.

"I am not." Sigyn said.

"Yes you are your heart rate is increasing."

Sigyn sighed and shifted slightly so she could look at Loki rather than have him lying somewhat under her. She shifted to be able to face him and found when she did he was watching her, somewhat concerned eyes flitting between her own.

"What's worrying you my love." He was still watching her carefully, trying to make sure that she was going to tell the truth, and if not, how much she lied.

"What if it all goes wrong?" Loki's eyebrows furrowed together, "What if Odin decides he wants you back no matter what, for whatever reasons and I can't stop it?"

Loki sighed and brought her closer to him, allowing her head to rest on his chest and simply relax somewhat, rather than letting her thoughts consume her.

She felt his feet nudge hers, trying to intertwine between her legs and steal some element of warmth which she seemed to be radiating in the current moment. She felt Loki's foot slide gently up her leg, reaching eventually her inner thigh, where the cold was too unbearable and Sigyn gave a squeak and lurched away.

"If that's really how you're trying to distract me then I'd rather wallow." The small smile on her face said otherwise.

"If you're so worried we can bring it up to Thor when he finally calms down and stops the monsoon outside." Sigyn just huffed and rolled her eyes, refusing to acknowledge that Loki may actually have made a good point.

They both got dressed slowly, getting themselves to handle another round of Thor's incessant question, mostly directed at Loki at first, but when he found out about Sigyn's abilities the question s went to her more often than not, simply because of her more honest answers. The first time he asked her what Loki felt when he arrived and she replied 'agony,' she had seen both men tense.

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