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AN: mention of rape, no description, but just a mention once

Across the palace, Sigyn and Loki were rousing from their sleep, blissfully unaware of their guest. Both of them still burning, their very souls alight from their joining, and felt their stomachs grumble at the smell of food, which was both too close and too far. Sigyn found that in that exact moment, she would have been perfectly happy to starve to death with Loki's arms wrapped tightly around her midsection. That is, if the alluring smell of sausages was not wafting from the plate all the way to her nose. Loki, however, was preoccupied with laying little kisses up her shoulder, not worrying particularly about the food at the current time.

Instead of shuffling towards the smell which was steadily becoming more intense, Sigyn had decided to wait for Amora to come in to either clean the room or perhaps rouse her. Of course, she had no idea for how long she had been sleeping, she remembered when one of her ladies, lady vera, slept for a week till the sickness evaded her. So if she had awoken and Odin had arrived during their slumber, she would not have been surprised in any way.

"Loki?" He gave her another kiss on the shoulder.

"Are you hungry love?" Another kiss.

"Alright, well there's a plate at the end of the bed so if you want some food we'll have to both manoeuvre to get it." A sigh.

Loki shifted slightly, and entangled his legs with hers so any contact which they had wasn't eliminated, before watching her stretch from his arms and delicately reach for the platter, the covers which had previously hidden her nudity pooling around her knees and giving Loki a truly godly view.

"Stop staring at my ass." Loki snorted and looked away, waiting for her to return to her previous position, except now tie food.

"To be fair it is a nice ass."

"Shut up and eat." Sigyn said, brandishing sausages, eggs, different roast vegetables, bacon and goblets filled with juice. Now that the alluring smells hit his nose, Loki's stomach growled in protest of being empty so long.

They both ate in silence, Sigyn leaning her head on Loki's shoulder, which was admittedly a hell of a lot higher than hers, as to not destroy the contact between them and bring back whatever ungodly burning had consumed them previously.

"So, how does this," Loki gestured grandly to his marriage scar, "Work exactly?"

Sigyn gave a smirk and placed the platter on Loki's lap, before bringing her right hand to her left shoulder and pinching quickly, letting the sharp pain overtake her, and felt Loki flinch beneath her head.

"We feel together, not just emotionally, but physically too." She picked the platter back up and began snacking on one of the pieces of bacon, chewing on it thoughtfully.

"So is that why last night felt.. well.. more?" She understood. Usually sex was just sex, you hit your high then keep it going, then its over, but last night was a combination of two highs, washing over the both of them in such a toe curling intensity that neither of them could quite breath for a moment or two.

"Yep." Sigyn said, popping the 'p' for no other reason than emphasis.

On the other side of the door, Thor could hear the general chatter from inside, the couple simply enjoying one another's company, and found he didn't have the heart to disturb their moment of peace, so instead he turned on his heel, and made his way to the guest wing of the castle, where he had been staying for the past week.

He dodged servants, guards and other personnel who were shuffling around, trying to accommodate for the Asgardian representatives, as well as the Allfather. He saw one woman carrying a stack of bed linens which seemed to tower above even him, and yet he could not stop. He had told his father he would report back, as he was unfortunately bound by duty to do, and so he would report back as quickly as he possibly could without having to actually engage with the man.

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