Loki Remains

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The day in which Thor arrived was completely hectic.

When Sigyn awoke her entire bed was overtaken with frost, which had spread all the way up her bed, engulfing the entirety of her tapestries and blankets. Of course she couldn't feel any cold, or frost biting into her as the spell held fast.

Loki was still curled up, his eyes closed and his face set in a mask of peace, but Sigyn was almost certain that fear had gripped his dreams at one point during the night. His hand was curled around Sigyn's arm and his relaxed state, which wouldn't last for long, made her look upon him with a fond smile.

He shifted slightly, curling the blankets tighter around himself, either to cocoon himself into his self-created cold, or perhaps to warm up as impossible as it sounded. Yet he still kept one arm around Sigyn, as he usually did every night. She wanted nothing more to curl up and remain, yet she knew the Crown Prince of Asgard would be arriving as soon as he needed to, and to be perfectly honest Sigyn knew she wanted him gone as soon as he could be.

"Loki?" He hummed and pulled himself closer to her, despite being much taller he still managed to be able to curl into such small places. Sigyn didn't want to think about why he acquired such a talent.

"Loki, I have to go and prepare." He groaned in acknowledgement, and yet still remained in the exact same position.

She smiled and leaned down, giving him a slight kiss on the forehead, before gently lifting his arm and slipping out of bed, still in her clothes from the night before.

She heard a faint rustling in the bed, either sheets being thrown off or simply moved underneath, the former being confirmed when she heard the faint pat of Loki's footsteps towards the bathroom.

She sighed and shook her head, hoping to every god that existed that Loki would make it through this day in one piece. She would calm him as much as possible if necessary, side effects of her powers be damned, just so he could make it through the meeting without a panic attack.

She picked out a flowing robe which would easily hide her hidden dagger, should it be necessary to use at any point, and grabbed another from the wardrobe for Loki, the pastel oranges and slight hints of peach would be a complete contrast from his dark blue skin and bright red eyes.

She heard water running, before a light splash and then the click of the door unlocking, revealing Loki still in the previous nights clothes, holding a small towel to his face which had light crystals spreading from his face to the material, only helped further by the damp of the cloth.

She brought up the robe for him to examine, seeing him give a small, nervous smile in response to the almost ceremonial look of the garment.

She brought it down to the side of the bed and walked towards him, bringing her hands to his cheeks and cradling his head in them, giving a reassuring tap at the sides of his cheekbones.

"Loki, you don't have to do this." He laughed humourlessly, leaning in slightly into her touch.

"What am I to do then? Ignore him forever?" She gave a little nod, if he wished so she would make it that they would never have to see each other again. She knew that wasn't something which would solve the problem, and yet she felt that if Loki wanted it as such, Sigyn would do it.

His eyes softened, shining a faint red light on her and reflecting clearly in hers, constantly reminding Loki of his heritage and how he wished it wasn't so.

"Worse comes to worse, he leaves." She whispered leaning in slightly.

He nodded, trying his best to keep control over the Thor shaped butterflies currently laying waste to his stomach.

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