Me thinks she doth protest too much

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For the past hour, they had been trying to figure out what exactly was Odin's plan when it came to Loki. Everyone had motivation, but they couldn't seem to figure out the Allfather's. At first, it was to dispose of Loki and maybe, distract Sigyn for some reason? But the further they went into the conversation the less sense their theories made. Eventually they got around to infinity stones and oof was that an interesting conversation.

"Well, there is a gem known as the 'Heart of Vanaheim' which is handed down from royal to royal." Loki's ears perked up and turned towards Sigyn, curious.

"A, a gem? What is said about it?" He said.

"It's not actually a gem, well maybe it once was, but now its genetic. Its how to know if the line to the throne is legitimate. It's essentially the life-force of the crown." Sigyn turned to look up from the blanket she had been picking at. "There are a lot of rumours, like how I have the power to destroy planets, and manipulate reality itself, that's a fun one."

She looked up, expecting to see Loki's facial expression matching her's of amusement, instead she saw him deep in thought, chewing his bottom lip in a way that made her want to bite it for him.

"What's wrong?"

"The power to destroy planets?" He said, inching slightly closer to her.

"Loki they're just stories." Loki scoffed slightly.

"Stories have to come from somewhere don't they?" Sigyn sighed and flopped back on the bed, her head hurting with all of the nonsense flying around it.

"Alright, sure, but what does this have to do with infinity stones?" She said, reaching up to trap some of Loki's har and began to fiddle with it.

"Everything. Infinity stones created us, and so they also have the power to destroy us. I'm not sure if what you have is immense power or the actual stone ingrained with your DNA. We could test it but, well I don't think you want to blow up Vanaheim."

Sigyn made a false serious face, sticking her lips out too far and scrunching her eyebrows together. She sat up and began playing more with Loki's hair, combing her fingers through it and gently raking her nails on his scalp. Loki leaned more into the petting and groaned, relaxing after the long hour of trying to figure out what the hell Odin wanted.

"You're like a puppy, you know that?" Loki scoffed.

"I am not a puppy I am a dangerous creature of ice and destruction."

Sigyn gave him a kiss on the nose.

"Ok puppy."

A knock on the door interrupted Loki in whatever argument he was bout to pose, and drew them from their little bubble, and made them both turn to the oak.

"Sigyn, Thor's here." Sigyn turned to face Loki, his hair half French braided down his scalp giving him an almost elf like look, if not for the horns. More like a hot satan. Or cold satan. Damnit Sigyn answer the door.

"Come in!" Thor barged in with a shit eating grin on his face, his cheeks lit red and his hammer nowhere in sight. He ran straight for the pair, whom almost flinched away, Sigyn felt herself wanting to get out her knife for some reason, and drew them close to him.

"Congratulations!" He bellowed, squeezing the two of them impossibly closer.

Sigyn smiled into the hug, despite how she was beginning to feel extremely light headed, and wheezed slightly, prompting the overexcited Thor to put them both down.

"Are you better now? Does it still hurt? Oh gods tell me it doesn't hurt I just hugged you and-" Sigyn raised her hand and Thor stopped.

"yes, we are better, no it does not hurt." Thor gave a sigh of relief.

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