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Sigyn didn't say anything to Odin when he first stepped into the throne room, refusing to allow him the pleasure of trying to irk her, instead she glowered at him, her gaze making the servant who retrieved the Allfather shiver in his boots. Her fingers were tapping periodically, as if timing how long it took Odin to get from the end of the hall to the throne, each time that her nail hit the wood again, the crack would echo in a way that made it impossible to ignore.

Sigyn could see the sly grin which the Allfather sported under his obviously greying beard, which almost made her shiver in her seat, however she found herself sitting taller as he got closer to the pair. Thank gods this room was empty save for them, it meant if Sigyn wanted to lob something at him she could do so without hurting anyone else. That or she could lob him.

He got to the foot of the stairs leading to the throne, giving her a slight bow out of simple principal before straightening and folding his hands in front of him. ugh, he was going to try and be diplomatic.

"So, Odin, if you would please enlighten us as to why you have rudely taken up space within my guest wing without invite?" Odin gave her a small, but well concealed glare, before setting his face in a somewhat neutral mask.

"I have come to retrieve something that is rightfully mine." He said, putting heavy emphasis on 'mine,' as if he were a child about to throw a tantrum because someone stole his toy.

"And such a possession is?" She replied.

Odin sighed and glared at Loki, who was currently picking at his nails uninterestedly and playing with the cuticles.

"Him." Loki tensed slightly until Sigyn gave him a gentle push, nudging her shoulder against his, which he sent her a soft smile for. Odin wanted to just stab them both and be done with it.

"Well, considering he's neither your son by law or by blood, no longer a citizen of Asgard and was, how did you put it, gifted? I'd say you have no claim to him whatsoever." Sigyn said, glaring down at the man below her.

"He's mine by right of claim." Sigyn scoffed.

"Darling, is it me or is it rude to talk about someone as if they're not in the room?" Loki looked up from his thumb and nodded slightly.

"Extremely rude, the height of rudeness."

"As I thought." She said.

Odin cleared his throat, wanting to get back to the task at hand. Sigyn gave a little laugh and patter Loki's free hand, before turning back to the Allfather.

"I have right of claim." He repeated, as if he had not been heard the first time.

"You have no right of claim. A right of claim demands that you have been wronged by the party which you are claiming in question, or have some other legitimate claim upon them. As well as how the marriage factors in with that. You can't remove him from this land."

Odin gave her a smirk which made her very skin crawl, her blood boil and any sort of fear in her stomach bubbled up.

"I can if he's committed a crime." Loki froze, still stuck staring at the half pushed back cuticle which he had been messing with during the conversation. Odin was still smirking, his face contorted into that disgusting smile which made Sigyn want to punch him. Instead of simply going back to distracting himself, Loki was now trying his hardest to stare at a small, very specific portion of the floor which he was certain was not going to stare back.

Sigyn felt out of the loop, she hated being out of the loop. Out of the loop meant you could be fooled, played and taunted. It was like everyone knowing your cards at poker night and you not knowing theirs. Bad. Loki stood abruptly, turning towards Sigyn and giving her a small, tense bow before striding off in the direction of the garden. Sigyn was left in shock somewhat, staring back at the spot where Loki had vanished.

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